Jdubz Organic living soil


This is my first contribution to this site. Ive used this soil mix for a while now and it works with great results. This recipe is enough to fill 2 Five Gallon buckets. I figured that would make it easy for anyone to make and use.

Base Recipe: (in gallons)

2g Coco Coir (1 brick)

2.5g Perlite

3g organic bag soil (I like black gold, its organic and very inexpensive) very low N, no P or K

2.5g Worm castings


1/4 cup Kelp meal
1/4 cup Gypsum
1/4 cup soft Rock Phosphate
1/4 cup All Purpose Fert.
1/4 cup Blood Meal
1/4 cup Fish bone meal
1/8 cup High N bat guano
1/2 cup Dolomite lime
1/8 cup Garden epsom salt
1/2 cup Green Sand
1 cup alfalfa meal
1/2 cup humic acid
1/2 cup cottenseed meal
1/2 cup azomite
1/4 cup diatomaceaous earth powder


-Mix all ingrediants in with the base soil mix in a large container, stir it up real good.
-Next your going to want to inoculate the soil with beneficial microbes and fungi. I use various things such as teas and organic supplements from the hydro store to do this.
-Moisten the soil mix with about 1 1/2 gallons of distilled water.
-Let the soil sit in a warm area with a lid on it for 15 days, stirring every 5 days ( this will stop anaerobic activity)

*this soil is now ready to use. You can use it straight up or You can put it in the bottom half of the container and top it off with bagged soil.
**Do Not Put seeds or seedlings or fresh cuttings in this soil.

This soil is not extremely HOT and it will leave room for Teas and Molasses (ca and K) which will aid in mircobe activity which is a must in organic living soil.

I Give credit to the Rev and Subcool for this idea. Although it is my own soil mix, the idea of living soil mixing did not interest me until reading the Rev's articles, so all credit for the idea is given to him. Subcool's super soil was also an inspiration for this mix.

Dank Raptor

Active Member
Me personally, I would replace the coco with peat and add in some mushroom compost. (my plants love it) Thanks for sharing your mix though. I usually go with a less amended soilless mix so take my advice with a grain of salt.


I used to sorta do the same thing, too 1/3 coir, 1/3 EWC, 1/3 perlite. I didn't use lots of amendments just peace of mind fruit and flower.