Jesus appears in my Vape


Well-Known Member
the one in the bong kinda reminds me of some clay cartoon character, that or a flying spaghetti monster :)

the rest of the pics kinda remind of a longhaired bearded hippy, which incidentally looks like what middle age people thought jesus looked like (handsome white guy with long hair)

while in all probability jesus was black.

(and quite ordinary looking, supposedly if he didnt speak, you would never pick him out of the local crowds (he had to be pointed out to the soldiers f.e)

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
yea jesus wasn't white, he was middle easter or black. i like how confirmation bias works, you believe therefore things will tend to appear like the thing you believe.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
the almighty, the all powerfull ,manages to get a message out to his people ............................. a grainy image on a bannana lol