Well-Known Member
So far I have 6 Jack Herer, 2 Kalashnikova, 2 BigBang, 1 silverberry 2.0, 1 Liberty Haze. I started 1 of the JH,Kalash,BB back on Feb. 27. I started the Liberty Haze about 2 weeks ago. The rest are clones that I took off of the earlier mentioned plants. I have 5 more clones I'm hopeing make it,but won't count till I'm 100% sure. I live in a nonmed state and will be growing these around my 5 acres. Some of the pics might be a little hard to see due to me letting the weeds start to grow up around for camo. These will all be getting planted straight in the ground withen the next week except the Jack Herer in the brown bottomless pot.

I will post some better pics.