Joints Or Blunts? Vote!

Joints Or Blunts

  • I LOVE Joints (Papers)

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • I LOVE Blunts (Shells)

    Votes: 16 55.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Whats Up RiU? I Myself LOVE BLunts:hump:, Joints arent Bad but I Think Blunts are Better By Far. I Want To Know How Everyone Else Feels on the Subect, Im Expecting Blunts To Get Bashed... Lets See, Cast Your Vote And Let Your Voice Be Heard!:joint:

I'll start The Votes.

+1 For Blunts.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
As a medicinal smoker, I think I speak for all medicinal users when I say joints.

All blunts do is is make me sick and ruin my high with all added chemicals.

The fact is there is nothing a blunt can do that a joint can't do cheaper.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of friends that do the same thing. But eventually every one of them learns (maybe not this one guy...) that if you're always rolling personal blunts then you just end up smoking more then you intend too, or rolling more then you intend too for personal use. If its .5 or less I roll it in a J if more, a blunt is generally considered :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I Wouldn't Roll Less Than A Gram in a Blunt. But its Easy To Personally Smoke a Gram. Shit I Might Have 2 Switch To Papers Soon Though... Tabacco Prices Went Up, And Blunts are $1.00 a Piece! How Gay is That? Papers Went Up A Little 2 Though.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cheapest you can get any blunt here EVER is $.65 but they are usually $1. Papers are bout $.03 each :-D


Well-Known Member
Joints were out of the question, would've been good to have spliffs in there as an option. I'm personally a big fan of a casual spliff, but if it's smoking to get really blazed then a blunt can never go astray!


Well-Known Member
Blunts all day! Well if its only between a joint or blunt...Yea I like to get fucked up and joints just don't do it for me. Also, if your willing to shell out 100$ for that quarter O of dank(Yea I know most ppl here grow but before they grew they paid for weed) a 1$ blunt wrap shouldn't matter:cool: It's 50 cents per wrap around here for the packaged "Blunt Wraps"(Not Swishers):peace:


Well-Known Member
blunts are like smoking someone's spit.... ICK!
I'd rather take a J over a blunt.

...but I prefer a nice 22" HEAVY bong over any and all anyday of the week....


Active Member
I like a Blunt every now and than. Depending on the quality of Bud when i really wanna taste it ill roll it up in Hemp papers.


Well-Known Member
All you dudes saying you roll J's so you can taste the weed...You're supposed to use glass to taste weed...your tasting weed/paper so I mean I could say I use flavored blunt wraps to match/accent the taste of my bud. Beat that:blsmoke: Blunt wraps=accented taste/papers=papery taste