Jon Lajoie, MC Confusing, et cetera


Well-Known Member
This guy is fucking awesome. I know he probably doesn't appeal to everyone, but I think he's hilarious. There's just something about how well he impersonates different rap styles... he seems so invested in it, like he's a real performance artist, not just a comedian making fun of rappers. I love how it blends the line between art and comedy in that sense.

WTF Collective:



[MC Confusing]
Other rappers are comprehensible - not me!
First on the mic - MC Confusing!
I took a piss on my nutsack and called it Jack Black
It's a fact, I got more rhymes then Zach Braff taking a nap
I attack motherfuckers wearing purple backpacks
And I snack on towel racks and take a shit on your track
Yeah your whack, cause everybody understands what you say
But when I get on the mic, I make milk outta clay
And I play air guitar with a tube of toothpaste
And I say karate pencil case and put it on tape

[MC Insecure]
Yo I'm MC Insecure - what's up?
I really don't think that I'm good enough
To be rhyming on this track cause my lyrics suck
All my verses fall flat like a hockey puck
It took me seven months to write the first part of my verse
And now I got nothing left so I'll pretend that I got hurt
Ow! Aw, I think I sprained my ankle
You guys go ahead and finish the song without me

[MC Amnesia]
Yo MC Amnesia up in this bitch
Woke up five days ago lying in a ditch
Didn't know who I was I couldn't remember shit
Apparently something happened that was traumatic
I used to have more rhymes but I can't remember them
Seriously I'm freaking out I can't remember anything!
Whats my motherfucking name?
(Seriously does anyone know what my name is?)

[MC Public Urination]
Yo I'm MC Public Urination - what - what!
I take a fucking piss on a fucking sidewalk
Anytime, anyplace, I just whip out my cock
And empty my bladder while you motherfuckers watch!
You other MCs can't handle this shit!
You’re just a little bitch afraid to pee in public
You run into a toilet every time you have to piss
Yo fuck that shit - I just whip out my dick!

[MC Fatigue]
Yo MC Fatigue - yeah that's me
Every time I grab the mic I fucking fall asleep

[Chorus-Chorus Guy]
I'm the guy who sings the chorus
(It breaks up the song)
My part is kinda boring
(I wish that I could go home)
But they're paying me to sing the chorus
(And I really need the cash)
Cause I'm unemployed at the moment
(Just moved back in with my dad)

[Verse 2: MC Doesn't Know What Irony Is]
Yo I'm MC Doesn't Know What Irony Is
Walked up to a girl and I gave her a kiss
She said “Let's go to your place, I'll suck your dick.”
I said “Hell yeah bitch, that's so ironic!”

[MC Gets Side-Tracked Easily]
Yo I'm MC Gets Side-Tracked Easily
My rhymes are badass like Gandolfini
You know he’s known for the Sopranos but he’s also in movies
Like Get Shorty and Terminal Velocity
Which I didn’t really like cause I don’t like Charlie Sheen
Well I guess in Hot Shots, he was kinda funny
But I prefer Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun
You know who else was in that movie? O.J. Simpson
Which is kinda weird, knowing what he did after that
Wait, what was I saying?
I think I got side-tracked.

[MC Lethal Weapon 1, 2 & 3]
Yo I'm MC Lethal Weapon 1, 2 & 3
I really like those movies but the 4th disappointed me
Danny Glover, Mel Gibson and Joe Pesci
Why did they have to make a 4th?
They had a perfect trilogy!

[MC Lethal Weapon 4]
MC Lethal Weapon 4 that's me
I disagree with MC Lethal Weapon 1, 2 & 3
Although I agree that it is a groundbreaking trilogy
The 4th was also good they added Chris Rock and Jet Li!

[MC Shit My Pants Frequently]
Yo I'm MC Shit My Pants Frequently
It usually happens when I'm walking down the street
Or when I'm hanging out with some fly-ass hoes
There we go!
Thank god I brought a change of clothes!

[MC Final Verse]
Yo I'm the MC with the final verse
I'm supposed to sum up everything you heard
But mutherfuckers I don't really have the time
So fuck that and come back to the Chorus Guy

[Chorus-Chorus Guy]
I’m still singing the chorus
(Thank god we’re almost done)
I hate singing the chorus
(It's Such a boring fucking job)
I'm gonna take my 40 bucks
(That's what they're paying me)
And I'm gonna go get really drunk
(Masturbate then go to sleep)


[h=2]Jon Lajoie - WTF Collective 2 lyrics[/h]

MC Confusing back in this bitch
With a parking sandwich and a chicken ticket
I got a liquid face lift from a fig with big tits
And my wrist got twisted by a brit with fake spit
And you don't understand it 'cause your not supposed to
Like a candy cane snake in a jealous cartoon
And I'm gonna leave soon but first I need to
Drink a Chevy Chase face and rape Robo-Cop 2

Yo I'm MC Historical-Inaccuracy
I drop lyrical bombs like Hiroshima in Seventy-Three
I write rhymes like Shakespeare when he wrote Anne Franks diary
Which is about the civil war of 1812 in Germany
I'm like the Spanish Inquisition when they killed Jesus
And Abe Lincoln's suicide was the theme for my thesis
Like Moses when I focus I can split the red sea
Like he did in 1950 with the Chinese army

I'm MC Don't-Know-How-To-Pluralize-Word
I got so many rhyme and I sleep with all the girl
When there's more of one of something you're supposed to pluralize
But I never learned that throughout all the year I've been alive

Hello, I'm MC Canadian-Stereotype
I'm aboot to get started so let me get off the ice
But I don't want any trouble and I am always polite
Now lets hop on my snowmobile and I will tell you what I like
But first I'll turn off curling and turn down Avril Lavigne
Et j'vais dire une phrase en francais, parce qu'ici on est bilingue
Oh boy, I fell off my igloo and I hurt my knee
Let's go to the hospital! Don't worry, here in Canada it's free, eh?

MC fatigue did 'ya miss me
I've been awake for five minutes 'cause I had a coffee
I'll try to get through my verse but I really don't know
I drank that coffee about five minutes ago

They hired me again to sing
This mother fuckin' chorus
I haven't found a fuckin' job yet
So I got to do this bullshit
(I can't take it I'm done)
I don't think that I can sing, another fuckin' chorus
I think I'm going to jump off a bridge, or shoot myself like Kurt Cobain did
(I think my dad has a gun)

I'm MC Knows-Too-Many-Facts-About-Bees
Fifteen miles an hour is their average speed
A queen can lay up to three-thousand eggs in a day
Just 'cause I know a lot about bees doesn't mean that I'm gay
I'm also MC In-The-Closet-Homosexual
I hide it 'cause it's easier to be heterosexual
We can't even get married in most states here in America
It's fucked up! (Gay marriage is legal here in Canada! )

I'm MC Homophobic-Fucking-Asshole
Being gay is evil and it is unnatural
Jesus said to love thy neighbor but only if they are straight
Penises go in vaginas, anything else is just insane

I'm MC Extremely-Inappropriate-Rhymes
I shake things up like J-Fox when I get on the mic
And I drop my enemies just like Christopher Reeves' horse
And I put them to sleep like Heath Ledger, of course! (Woah!)

I'm MC Extremely-Politically-Correct
I disagree with the previous MC's lyrical content
It's offensive, insensitive and in very bad taste
Just like that guy who wrote that song when Micheal Jackson passed away

Yo, MC Final-Verse here to end the song
One was enough we didn't need a sequel, Jon
Make a fourth Show Me Your Genitals or another Normal Guy
But for now let's end this stupid song with a suicide

This is the last time that I will ever sing a chorus
My dad's gun was in his closet
And I'm gonna end this bullshit
(I had a good run)
I'm gonna pull the trigger as soon as I finish the chorus
Sayonara, and farewell, I guess I'll see you all in Hell!
(Four, Three, two, one! BANG!)


MC confusing...
WTF 3 mother fuckers.
Got more hamstrings than a pile of wings
2012 - Bringing west wing DVDs to a blind date
First on deck every day normal guy
[everyday normal guy
Everyday normal guy
here to get the track started
My average lyrics are between
genius and retarded
I drink tap water
and watch all the CSIs
I put my 30 dollar pants on
on leg at a time
Sleep 8 hours a night
eat 3 meals a day
I'm motherfucking content
I got no reason to complain
I have a roof over my head
and I got clothes on my back
My verse is done it wasn't great
but hey it wasn't that bad

[MC uses time machines irresponsibly]
Yo I'm MC uses time machines irresponsibly
Went back and found Jusad Iscariot in 33 AD
Gave him 31 pieces of silver to rat out the wrong guy
Then I planted monsanto seeds in dinosaur times
Gave Bill Gates my iPhone in 1973
Then I travelled in time to the night that I was concieved
Then I met up with my parents and we hung out all night
Come to think of it they didn't have any alone time (NO)

[MC nausious]
MC Nausious up in this mother fucker
I don't feel so hot shit
I think that I am gonna [bluurg]
Why'm I so sick, what I eat
Cat food will make expired yogurt taste less like cheese (oh right)

[MC cock blocks himself]
MC cock blocks himself, hey girl what's up
You so sexy we should probably hook up
Crawl in a hot tub with a bottle of champagne
By the way I have a girlfriend and I think I might have AIDS

[MC necrophiliac]
MC necrophiliac, where are my dead bodies at
Crashing funerals just so that I can get a whiff of that
Decomposing bodies are [they're?] my favourite aphrodesiac
Flatlining gives me a pavlovian erection in my pants
Turn-offs include breathing pulses and signs of life
My turn ons are rigor mortis cold flesh and suicide
If you're not stiff as a board I won't be stiff and I'll be bored
Wait what do we have here? Looks like I'm about to score

[talking, Zombie chorus guy]
Wait a minute... no! no!!! NO!!!
-You have to be kidding me
What the fuck is going on
-This cannot be happening
I don't wanna do this any more
-This must be a bad dream
Leave me alone
-Why am I still singing?
I mother fucking killed myself

[MC gets sidetracked easily]
MC gets sidetracked easily back in the heezy
By heezy I mean house but not the show I think it's cheezy
My favourite show is Dexter that guy is also in 6 feet-
under my first experience with death I was just 16
My dog got run over by a truck and its head exploded
Like Robert Patrick in Terminator 2 when he's frozen
Its freezing in Iceland I was just there on holiday
Hold on I think I got lost again what was I trying to say?

[MC who couldn't speak in the present tense]
I was MC who couldn't speak in the present tense
I'm gonna have a lot of money and my dick was immense
It would've been difficult, people assumed I was a retard
I'll have a serious problem, communicating was hard

[MC constipation]
Yo I'm MC constipation
It has been 3 days since
My last bowell movement
I'm starting to get impatient
Spend hours on the toilet
Yet nothing never comes out of it
Intestines like polititions
They're constantly full of shit
I wish my bowell movements
where a little more like my rhymes
Always smooth and free-flowing
It would save me a lot of time
Push for hours with no result
Not even a brown brussel sprout
My shit's like a gay republican
It's not planning on coming out

[MC ]
Yo I'm MC invisible
You can't see me
The only rapper in this industry
that can't be seen
With the naked eye
I won't lie
It's hard to get a fanbase
When image is everything
And I litterally don't have a face

[MC on the phone with Ted Danson]
I'm MC on the phone with Ted Danson
Keep it down
Just skip to the next verse
I'm on the phone with ted Danson
Not now
hold on ted
I don't wanna be in this song anymore
Leave me alone
This is more important
I'm on the phone with the guy who played Sam Malone

[MC confusing]
Yo MC confusing wrapping up the song
Like a plasticine high fiving [high five and] a helicopter thong
I got richochet highlitghts from the fleet fox's knife guy
We out like a rice fightin' a vampire's wife's life

[MC zombie chorus guy]
-Maybe this isn't so bad
Better than my last job
-Taking it in the ass for cash
20 bucks a pop
-Maybe things will turn around
Being a zombie's pretty cool
-Things couldn't get worse anyhow
*get's tackled by MC necrophiliac*
MC necrophiliac: Yeah that's right uuhh. *undoing fly/zipper* Oh you're gonna get it you little dead bitch.
Chorus Guy: No! No! Ahh! *getting raped* ow ow, I spoke to soon
MC WCSITPT: UUGH! That used to be so gross!
MC Nausious: It's just a guy having sex with a dead body. There's nothing [BLURG]
MC invisible: Dude! you just puked all over me!
MC Nausious: sorry
MC constipation: That's a good idea, I should get an enema
MC cock-blocks himself: Enemas, puke, guys having sex with dead bodies... you ready to go back to my place [girl: uugh *walks off*] What am I doing wrong?
MC fatigue: *wakes up* Did I miss anything?
MC Fatigue and MC Gets Sidetracked Easily are by far my favorites. Fatigue because that shit is fucking hilarious, and Sidetracked because he pulls off the style so damn well, hahaha.
That go's to show you,people don't take the rap game serious no more see him trollin the shit out of it.
I listen to real grounded modern rap shit man, stuff that knows not to take itself too seriously and therefore weaves round the golden line of epic truth ;)