J's 72w LED / 150w Halide First time indoor grow.. lets see what happens

Hi all,

not sure if im posting in the right section, im new to this so i expect a few learning curves and lessons learned along the way...

i had a few bag seeds i found while clearing a draw out and wondered if they would sprout, so i found an old "grow your own" herb kit in the shed and used the compost or what ever it was ?!? and just through the seeds in a seedling tray..

i know people like to germinate them in wet towel and so on but i thought what the heck !

i put the tray in an small aquarium tank lying around and lined with baco foil lol, rigging up a small computer fan for some air movement, a day or 2 later all but 3 of the 12 had broke the surface, im using 2x 36w marinereefled tiles that used to be over my marine tank and did a good job supporting my corals.. so my theory being if my corals can photosynthesis then so can my plants ?

the soil ive used seems to be crap combined with small pots i think has stunted growth as im roughly a week and a half in and there quite small, i repotted earlier today with more of the same soil as i cant get to a garden centre for a week or so but at least the roots have more room to grow !

i do like to take pics and have attempted to put some on but failed so if anyone can advise me on how, i will upload some.

happy growing




Uploading ::
Go to the Advanced Post button, click on the paperclip and the upload screen pops up and hit the advanced button again.
Upload 1 photo at a time, sucks but it's the only I've found it works.

Soil ::
I used Fox Farms personally, some people mix their own, some hydro. There are so many forums on here regarding soils, but if you are just beginning use Fox Farms Happy Frog or Ocean Forest, super high in nutrients.

Nutrient ::
Don't give nutes for a few weeks, let your plants get bigger. If you get that soil as well don't nute them, the soil is packed full of nutes.

I'm an idiot and could have read the title.

Just water, keep clean, and give them TLC. Best of luck.
thanks for the reply and the advice ! I picked up some doff liquid grow its 777 and cheap.. I diluted it down as it said 15ml for 4.5 litres so used 1ml for a 750-1l spray bottle, ive used that bottle over the week (using ro water) as I have a ro unit for the marine tank but will probably use tap now and leave a day or 2 before using
moved them into a closet today with a 150w hanging halide above them and a 150w halide side on.. a tall fan to try and stop the heat, im hoping I don't burn them but I didn't feel the leds were promoting growth anymore.. I rate them for germination and getting to seedlings but I think the halide needs to take over now..

any thoughts ?
I don't know a lot as far as the LEDs go, and so I can't help you there. I have seen some very impressive grows with them though. As far as heat on the plant, put your hand at your plants canopy, with the back of your hand facing toward the light. After ~30 seconds- 1 minute, if you can stand it, than it should e fine for your plants.
Whenever you bring tools/soil/etc. from outside, you are risking contamination with pests and diseases. Just something to think about.
Good luck on your grow.

-Dr. John
yea ive been a bit poor with the housekeeping in that respect.. this has all been thrown together and to be honest for my first grow im expecting the worst so anything above that is a bonus! if I can harvest a gram it will be seen as a achievement, ive read to many threads of people only concerned about yield.. how much can I expect etc...

I rinsed the pots out in the shower with hot water and them dry before I used them, I really need to get to a garden centre for soils, perlite etc but my car has died :( lol


Well-Known Member
Those are looking GREAT! Keep it up man!

How are they as of today?

Keep throwing pics at our faces! =)


New Member
wow those are growing hella fast compared me mines. my 2 week old are looking like your 2 day old lol. im only using 2x 16w cfl and 46w cfl. im growing them in rockwool tho
Hey nice to have a reply lol its bagseed so I'm unsure of how it should be growing.. ill throw a few more pics up later as there's a lot more growth since I flipped


Well-Known Member
Keep posting pics brotha'

I come here alot expecting new growth reports and feel let down with no updates =P Specially because our grows are so close by, age wise =)

Keep it up! =D