js120 ii


Well-Known Member
OK, first of all if you want to get the best answers to you questions post as many details as you can about your grow as your not giving us very much to work with IE: Are you using a T5, MH, HPS or all three? What's the wattage? How many plants will you be growing? What is the ambient temp of the room the tent will be in? What's your budget? All these things will help us to help you. I'll do what I can with what I have to answer your questions. While T5's produce a lot less heat than HID (MH/HPS) they still produce enough heat that It'll need some ventilation, if your only using a T5 you could get away with just a 6" booster fan from Home Depot (you will also need a fan blowing on the plants of course), however if your using MH/HPS it will depend on the wattage, a 250W-400W MH/HPS will require at least a 4" inline fan or a 6" booster fan, a 600W-1000W MH/HPS will require at least a 6"-8" inline fan, for your size tent (this will depend on how many plants you intend to grow) I would recommend a 400W or 600W MH/HPS, I would also recommend that you do SOG (Sea Of Green) where you keep the plants short, about a foot or so, so you basically end up with one cola per plant, with this method you will yield less each harvest but you will harvest more often (and harvesting is the funnest most rewarding part, at least for me) so you end up with more weight in the long run. As for the carbon filter you won't need a very big one so I would recommend you DIY one your self, look up DIY carbon filter either here or on Google or even ask an employee at your local hydro shop, mine sells everything you need to build your own at a fraction of the price of a new pre -built one. Post back with more details regarding your grow so I can assess how close I am with my recommendations, hope this helps, keep us posted.
Thanx! as afirst grow i honestly don't know what im doing, aside from the tent i have about 800 to spend on all needed equipment. i can legally grow 12 in my state so im thinkin 6 flower 6 bloom it will be in an attic and its a lil hotter in there but i was hoping to intake air through my closet ( attic opening) idk what watt i need im thinking a 400 but do u think 600? also i share building with landlord, do i need to vent carbon outside or can i vent into the attic? do veg gurls smell? what would u perfer hid or t-5s sorry knew to this all but not stupid, i'll get it and be a productive member in this community. thanx 4 all help. i have researched self made carbons and sog if i do 6on 6 off how ofton can iharvest? thanx a million, hope to post something great soon...


Active Member
to use the scrog technique u woule be best off growing a couple of mothers to take clones from. also as ur using a atic im aumimg which is already warm without light then i suggest find a air cooled reflector so ur bulb wont add heat to a already warm environment. 600w is def what u need, 400w would yeild smaller results in the space ur using. if youve never done a grow i think best read around the threads on roll it up and have a learning session. do not go cheap on carbon filter man they are a essential part of a growers setup, well goodluck, im sure ur budget will be easily enough for what ul need. ppeace


Active Member
also u want hot air sent away from the tent and attic otherwise temps will keep rising, and vegging plants often do smell but its strain dependant


Well-Known Member
thanx i will look into sog sounds a lil better, 600 watt will do that too,
Yes absolutely, 600W HPS is perfect for SOG, the point of SOG is to keep the plants short, one cola per plant around 30" tall so there's really no need for anything bigger than 600W especially in the space/tent you have, not to mention 600W HPS is the most efficient HID in terms of lumens per watt. Like someone suggested before I also recommend that you use an air cooled hood or cool tube, that way you can get the light as close to the plants as possible, this pretty much goes for any grow really and its a must if you want to maximize efficiency. Good luck on your endeavor and keep us posted.