if public opinion is strong across the nation for medical marijuana(25% of states have legal programs, in michigan more people voted for medical than for obama, which means republicans are also leaning much towards it.) and figure there are not as many for all out legalization, but more than just the pot smokers... maybe. im sure there are some pot smokers who think it should remain illegal and unregulated, believe it or not theres those who dont have a clue go sheepstyle when under pressure, ive met them. ugh
but why are jurys still convicting people? how can the govt expect people to grow their own ganja?. but how can people keep missing the idea of free market enterprisre, opinion, religion? And how can they completely forget how marijuana is definately a public health issue, and they have the ability to tip off an arrest. keeping marijuana cultivation as an even worse level of criminal behavior with felonys of years of jail time compared to the person caught with an oz of dried process cannabis(race depending/$$).
and still how can jurys be so willing, every single one, vote to throw cultivators to persecution of the same level if not worse than an sick angry drunk, a mental person, gangs, rapes, robberys, assualts, murders, red light runners, drunk drivers, underage sale of ciggerettes and alcohol.
oh wait that would be like swiss, if u put the sale of all substances through a store(s) with cameras you can put the pressure on the employees to do the right thing. quickly take cash prize off of drugs and out of gangs. And push it into a taxable market. All drugs.

eh that would just make to much sense, but the real understanding is even if one nation could focus its forces on just one of those topics, they might be able to make a dent, and if that nation couldnt,
but why are jurys still convicting people? how can the govt expect people to grow their own ganja?. but how can people keep missing the idea of free market enterprisre, opinion, religion? And how can they completely forget how marijuana is definately a public health issue, and they have the ability to tip off an arrest. keeping marijuana cultivation as an even worse level of criminal behavior with felonys of years of jail time compared to the person caught with an oz of dried process cannabis(race depending/$$).
and still how can jurys be so willing, every single one, vote to throw cultivators to persecution of the same level if not worse than an sick angry drunk, a mental person, gangs, rapes, robberys, assualts, murders, red light runners, drunk drivers, underage sale of ciggerettes and alcohol.
oh wait that would be like swiss, if u put the sale of all substances through a store(s) with cameras you can put the pressure on the employees to do the right thing. quickly take cash prize off of drugs and out of gangs. And push it into a taxable market. All drugs.

eh that would just make to much sense, but the real understanding is even if one nation could focus its forces on just one of those topics, they might be able to make a dent, and if that nation couldnt,