Just a newb

Hey everyone, just found this site and thus far am digging into the knowledge quite well. Appreciate the site! Just completed a small grow of 4 plants using CL lighting and am depressed about it. Its dank an good, just not plentiful enough. Have over 25 in veg at the moment, just topped 2 of them last night, first time ever and think its good. We shall see. In about 4-6 weeks im getting a 1000 hsp kit and will be making a much better room and when all is said and done hope it turns out. I know I need to post various questions to the correct forum threads but will say this out loud and see what happens. With a 1000 watt system is it smarter to run a power generator rather than use electricity through the home. Ie, dont want trouble lol Also for c02, did anyone ever use the "ExHale Organic Co2 Cultivator Bag" thats sold on ebay? Was thinking of picking 3 up, 2 for flowering and 1 for veg room. I am trying to get as much good results I can but my spendature isnt the best. Im deff still in learning. Lastly, once everything is started I will do a play by play on whats all done and have pics to back my words. Again, great this sites here and hello all.


Active Member
Don't worry about running the 1000 watt because it's the same draw as a flat screen tv and computer running at the same time. Its really not that much power. instead of co2 for now you should Spend your money on good fans to keep outside air moving through your grow space. I think after you flower out your 25 you will see the way to go (depending on strain) is with 6 to 10 plants max under the 1000 with an extra week of veg under the 1000 watt.


Active Member
I agree with Jyermum, the electricity of 1k is nothing, and definitely don't bother with CO2 until everything else is dialed in. When you're ready for CO2 there are better more cost effective options that you can properly implement and get the best effect from. The sacrifice you have to make in ventilation with the gas bags to produce an indeterminate amount of CO2 is not worth it. Temps are supposed to be dialed in to a certain range vs the amount of co2 you are pumping. If you don't know the exact CO2 levels, you can't maximize proper temps, therefore not maximizing growth potential. Better to dial in temps to what average ambient CO2 levels would be and properly ventilate.
Appreciate you both fully. Well, to start it up I already have my veg room in order using cfls, 3 double barred 4ft lamps. Veg Im good at, and for flowering im literally building my room and getting things in order. I have a portable heater with a thermostat to keep the temp, and have around 6 or so good fans to go in. What I dont have as of yet is the propper lighting to make them flower and also picking up any helpful info along the way. Also incase, running my exaust into the pvc pipe through my chimney so it goes straight up and will have another fan blowing fresh air in. This room Im talking of will be finished and promise to have pics as I go. Not starting til after the weekend of the 17th of this month, have guests comming over out of state, last thing they need to see a glimpse of. haha My first grow was truely shitty, but i knew nothing and rigged a CFL system but wasnt up to any real good standard. I under wattered, roots showed it, and didnt give the best of nutrients. Now my veg is getting miracle grow tomato food and have the bloom burst awaiting for flowering. Ok, I better post some of my questions where they belong but I appreciate your time and responses.


1000watt appliance running 18hr a day will cost about $647 per year. Plus you will most likely need 2 fans about 50watt each and let's put another 100 watt in miscellaneous total of 1200watts =~ $780/year.*
Also I have to disagree with jyermum, computer + flat screen TV will be about 500watts on average or less, and you do not run it 18hr a day. https://www.rollitup.org/members/jyermum-327001.html

*calculation are done based on my neighborhood's average KWh price, yours might be slightly different.