Just a quick question


Well-Known Member
When my one girl went into the stretch, i was a lousy father and i didn't feed her well... she lost quite some fan leaves in the process and now that she's packing on weight, she's losing almost all fan leaves.
Will this cause my buds to not swell up ? or do i just have to be patient a lil' longeR?
thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Well how long into flower are you do you have a 8 weeke flower schedule?

If your fan leaves are falling of in earlie or mid flower u will not get optimal yield thats for sure. First check your root zone pH then i would check the ec if u over feeding or under feeding do a runoff test.


Well-Known Member
Loss of fan leaves will affect ur yield... She'll still flower and she'll still yield...Jus not to her full potential...It's ok tho... Every grow can't b perfect... Live n learn...Trial n error... Good luck