Just Another Newb with Hydro


Well alrighty then. Hello to all, I am just about to start up on growing and i never have grown in soil or hydro/aero/bubble/super-ponic. I know all the info is here and ive been going through the forums the past week and a half or so and been researching for the past month. I really became interested in growing when i would read high times. So if anyone has any good informative tips/links I would greatly appreciate it.

Ok so I know i could build my own setup and whatnot but im not looking for mass amounts, just enough to keep me happy. The setup i recently purchased is a superlocker 2.0 with a 250hps, now waiting for it to be shipped. I know it was pricey but building my own is not an option and for my needs and wants it is a good choice. I wasnt able to find much constructive input for the growbox. So any experienced users input will help. Also what should I expect with my first experience, as in plant life/problems, veg, flowering, harvesting, drying & curing.
Thanks in advanced for any info that is provided.


Well-Known Member
"Also what should I expect with my first experience, as in plant life/problems, veg, flowering, harvesting, drying & curing..." That's a lot of questions!! :lol:
I would stick to finding information on germination, seedlings, nutrient levels (watch for classic newbie mistake of burning, I did) and whatever problems confront you when you have started your grow...they'll be loads!
You're in for one very enjoyable ride!


Well-Known Member
im on my first grow too.. but i think some of the best advice Ive heard so far was pretty simple. Don't over-do anything - we noobs have a tendency to want to make sure the plant has enough nutes/water and light, but marijuana is one of the easiest plants to keep alive in the world, we end up killing them with love. so sad.


Yeah, its good to know that I sholdn't over think, its one of my flaws and one reason I smoke.haha anyway, I'm glad I got some feedback pretty quickly. I have been reading a lot on these forums and I've Learned a shitload. And the seeds I will have are white widow, blueberry, and thc bomb. Out of these should I just pick whichever or are one these easiest to maintain for a first timer. Yeah sorry the post was long, I just wanted to ween out the ones who don't want to help ;-)


Well-Known Member
I'd go for white widow, but it doesn't really matter
I agree with TheGreenhornet, don't over do! Nearly over fed my LA Woman to death, then, to recover, I ended up unwittingly under feeding her for a further & weeks! And now, thanks to advice from here, she's looking beautiful and just moved to flower. TheGreenHornet speaks well when saying what a tenacious plant she is.
Got a Blueberry x Bubblegum, three weeks from finishing. She's in my grow journal (if you want to click on below) from seed to now, and was/is my first, so you may read my mistakes before you make them.
She was a bitch to clone, but that may be me.

Give Me

Well alrighty then. Hello to all, I am just about to start up on growing and i never have grown in soil or hydro/aero/bubble/super-ponic. I know all the info is here and ive been going through the forums the past week and a half or so and been researching for the past month. I really became interested in growing when i would read high times. So if anyone has any good informative tips/links I would greatly appreciate it.

Ok so I know i could build my own setup and whatnot but im not looking for mass amounts, just enough to keep me happy. The setup i recently purchased is a superlocker 2.0 with a 250hps, now waiting for it to be shipped. I know it was pricey but building my own is not an option and for my needs and wants it is a good choice. I wasnt able to find much constructive input for the growbox. So any experienced users input will help. Also what should I expect with my first experience, as in plant life/problems, veg, flowering, harvesting, drying & curing.
Thanks in advanced for any info that is provided.
BB Welcome. I as a noob myself would concur about the over doing part-Been there done that :( I am and have suggested to others to look for those Grows/setups that resemble what you are trying to achieve, then emulate them. I have personally found that PH is important both getting it right in the first place and not to readjust to quickly-quite frankly I am learning to follow elders (experienced growers both young and old male and female) advices and or teachings as I have books and have tried to follow them but I have gotten so much more from here. Growing your own bud is Great! I am not getting much yet-cause I am still learning to follow direction :) Lol but all but 1st time have been smoke-able :) Good day 2 all


Cool beans man I'm back. Ok so I should have my box within a day or so. And I'm possibly going to start a grow journal just because I can't find a whole lot on the superlocker and also to show if it works and so I ca have some helpful eyes giving me some pointers. Take it easy people


Also on first grow, also hydro, also tend to overthink everything. The only thing I can recommend is that you watch how many you start off with, and how big you let them get. I ended up with three fems out of 4 seedlings. I let them veg for a bit to long, and now it looks as if I'll have more smoke than I'll know what to do with. The beauty of these plants is they tell you when something is off/not quite right. Stay away from miracle grow! Spend the money on decent ferts and follow direction while listening to the babies. Droopy leaves tend to mean something's off with the water. You'll also notice growth slowing down when they need more food. Overthink the setup, holding tanks, pumps, grow table. The further along the harder it is to change water due to the size of the plants. All that being said enjoy, it's a hell of a hobby, rewarding too!