Just bought some bud, but it looks odd

Me Phist Op Les

Active Member
I just bought some supposed headies, but they look like they've been dyed or something. A bunch of the stems have a very blue-green color to them where they've been cut, but it's only at the end, cutting off this bit leaves a normal stem, with no color. The outsides of the bud is also bluer than the insides, which are slightly brown. I can't detect any unusual smells off of it. This could just be marking or trying to make it look better with organic dyes, or it could be some fucked up shit.

Should I go ahead a toke:bigjoint: this bud or toss it?:wall:
Anyone here do anything like this to their weed?


Well-Known Member
You should put it in an envelope and send it to me.

P.O. Box 420

anyways, maybe it is dye..ive never heard of anyone dying theier weed, but i have heard of them doing funny shit to it for taste...maybe its some Tasty Puff theyve added ;-) Smoke a little bit and inform us.

Me Phist Op Les

Active Member
here are pics, the one with the psychedelic colors is the closest to the actual color of it, and makes it kinda apparent why they colored it. but if anyone knows what they might have used, that would help. the stems pic shows a colored one, and one with a small amount chopped off of the end.



Well-Known Member
i think who ever sold it to you had was hiding it from cops and stuck it up their ass...then sold it to you. lol

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
When I worked for a florist many years ago we used to dye Calla Lillies for weddings by adding dye to the water. It would get drawn up the stem using a cappilary process and color the flower. This looks very similar.


Well-Known Member
yeah it def looks dyed. If you look at the stem you can see it's blue, the prob cut the stem and put it in some food coloring.


Active Member
Well, I kinda think I know what I'm looking at... I had Buds that were overcooked the last 2 weeks of growing and usually get thrown into the "Bubble Box". Someone decided to put some lipstick on his and sell'em. I kept a couple around because they're so ugly and it's fun to whip out a "Bag from Hell" and act surprized at the comments. Never thought about coloring them though...


Well-Known Member
Fuck that man I wouldn't rip that if you paid me. Looks like some messed up shit, why haven't you hit him up about it and been like yo what's up with this ganja you sold me?


stays relevant.
Man you take some fucked up pictures lmao... I can't tell what looks worse... the lighting or the bud!

But yeah, doesn't look like anything i've ever bought.


Well-Known Member
the middle one looks like a rotten bannana...that's been dyed green. just saw someone dye their stuff in a post in advanced cultivation...however it was killer herb and looked like good bud dyed blue just a thought my friend uesd to always try to sell that wanna be opium stuff nothing at all like real red rock all this wanna be bud shit should be treated like the plague:)