Just call me Mrs. Green Thumb


Well-Known Member
I just started a new indoor grow and decided to start a journal. PLEASE post advice and comments, I'm always looking to improve my setup and methods. More pics of the rooms to come soon, my camera's batteries died mid photo session.

Ill catch you up to their progress...
I placed 12 seeds in purified water for 24 hrs. I also placed 12 cups filled with a mixture of 1/3 perlite, 2/3 foxfarms ocean forest potting soil under the lights to warm the soil.
I planted all 12 seeds in solo cups and placed the cups under 160 watts of flourescent lights (2 shop lights, 4 4ft 40watt tubes), I watered all the cups. The room temp stayed around 82f
All the seeds sprouted by this day (they started sprouting on 10/9/08)
The lights were 2 in above the seedlings. I put a 8 in fan in the room on low to strengthen the stems
All of the plants got their second set of leaves

I have been rotating the cups every day and watering as needed. I judge the watering days by the weight of the cups. I wait until they are pretty dry and all the topsoil is atleast crusty again.

These pictures are from today, which makes them 13 days old, from the planting date.
Also, does anyone know how to post pictures in the threads? That would make talking about the pics alot easier!!!!



Well-Known Member
Lookin nice, are those the only lights you have? if so you should consider
Investing in a metal halide light or a High pressure sodium light for later use.


Active Member
Woot! bongsmilie

Looks and sounds like a solid start hope you keep up the thread Looking forward to seeing them grow! Oh also was curious if you know what breeds you got goin or is it bag seed GL hope it goes smooth!


Well-Known Member
No these are just my lights for the clones and seedlings. I have 4 more shop lights, so 8 more bulbs for when they get a little bigger in the vegitative stage. When they go to flowering they move to my 4x4 room with a 600watt HPS bulb.

I do know what strain the seeds are, however I did get them from a bag because the creator doesn't want anyone to have his strain yet. They are a cross between trainwreck and hashplant. I was begging for some clones to guarentee me some girls and he just wouldn't part with them, so I thought I would take my chances this way and see what I got.

When I get home tonight I will post more pics, they grew A TON overnight, almost doubled, I'm shocked!


Well-Known Member
I have one that wants to stretch a little bit, keeps growing so that it's touching the light, but the other 11 are cute little shorties! :) Here's a side view so you can see how tall they are as well as a top view



Well-Known Member
They have clearance for them to grow up to 6 ft under my lights, and still staying far enough away from the higher powered lights, but Im going to switch them to flowering when they are about 2 ft


Well-Known Member
Well I fed them all a low dose of foxfarm's big bloom last night to get them ready for a transplant into bigger pots... and by low dose, I mean 2 tsp per gallon of water. I think doing this helps them develop their root systems and avoid shock. What do you guys do for your plants while they are still seedlings... any nutes? Combos? Any suggestions. I really want to improve my techniques and become the BEST grower I can be *haha* and I am really interested in experiementing and changing a few things up. So give me some suggestions!

The last pic is of little miss stretchy.... won't stop growing, every time I inch the lights up, she grows until all her leaves are touching the light. The only tall one of the group... just has a mind of her own.



Well-Known Member
I think I am almost ready to transplant. How long do you guys leave your seedlings in solo cups before you transplant? Pics coming tonight!


Well-Known Member
By bottom leaves, I don't mean the little seedling leaves. Look at the edges of the bottom leaves in the second picture. Any advice would be awesome... they need to be watered tonight and its their night for nutrients, so if its a deficiency I want to fix it with this watering!


Well-Known Member
plants look good lil jessi !!!

i like to leave mine in the solo cups till they show preflowers / sex in veg...4-5 weeks. this will help with a healthy root mass and save you on transplant and soil.

well done so far. i also use the fox farm nutes and feed big bloom during the second week to help the babies along.

the vortex in the back were just showing preflowers 18/6 under 600w hps.

this is my northern papaya at 4 weeks from seed.