just found a one hitter i lost a year ago ROFL!


well i was cleaning out my garage and found my one hitter i lost a year ago (one of them things that have a ciggarette lookin thing in one side and place to put and pack weed on the other) and its still got like atleast a gram of what looks like some crazy weed but smells kinda funky (sorta like wood stripper if anyoe knowswhat that smells like) so question is..... should i smoke it :D im going with yea, its pot and pot is pot

also not mouldy or anything like that it looks fine just like fine busted weed (never put anything but cracker dry weed in this thing, doesnt really work otherwise)

lol so should i smoke it? hmm its tempting looking at this pile of wonderfulness haha


just tryed it out of my bong didnt taste too good got me buzzing tho forsure, and its not all i got just waaaaaayyyy better looking than the stuff i got now, its almost brown -.-