just got back from CANNAMED out here in denver colorado.


Well-Known Member
called and was able to make an appointment asap, went in and the staff was real cool... some guys my age in the 1st appointment room (where i sat and filled out my medical history and what not for about 30 minutes) real courteous and professional.

he gave me a packet that includes the same forms i filled out incase of change of address and or caregiver information..

paid 200 for the app / dr fee and 50 for a certificate with a seal on it pretty much a "save ass" for growing, states what cops can and cant do..

said i should receive a call for my final dr visit to overview and sign off on my recommendation then send it into the state..

all and all, i am happy i took the first step to getting legal, cant wait for a month or so til i receive my card in the mail :)

medicate :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
called and was able to make an appointment asap, went in and the staff was real cool... some guys my age in the 1st appointment room (where i sat and filled out my medical history and what not for about 30 minutes) real courteous and professional.

he gave me a packet that includes the same forms i filled out incase of change of address and or caregiver information..

paid 200 for the app / dr fee and 50 for a certificate with a seal on it pretty much a "save ass" for growing, states what cops can and cant do..

said i should receive a call for my final dr visit to overview and sign off on my recommendation then send it into the state..

all and all, i am happy i took the first step to getting legal, cant wait for a month or so til i receive my card in the mail :)

medicate :bigjoint:
You get your card, neighbor? Colorado proud! I am working on my card right now. Did you leave Cannamed with a cert? That would be an awesome bonus.


Well-Known Member
no i didnt leave with anything, im still waiting.. im actually annoyed right now... i was in the hospital for a week with my IBS symptoms and it turned into c-diff...

the hospital also lost my phone so i have no idea if they try to contact me.. i need to goto the office asap


Well-Known Member
dam it! I'm healthy.
Maybe I could limp in with a twitch, squinting one eye.

Can't wait for the IL program to start.


Well-Known Member
Damn I wish FL would medicinalize ....

I was born with Congenital insomnia and every drug out there royally messes me up while MJ doesn't.

I also have sever migraine headaches and the drugs for those nauseate me badly. If I can get some green before it get too sever then it just goes away, if not then it only make it worse, but damn you west coat people are lucky!!



New Member
Joe, got any kind of cronic pain? Maybe some arthritis starting up? Migraines? Depression? Surely you can come up with some kind of reason.

Personally I think marijuana is great for PMS symtoms, I used it for that for years. Works better than popping damn pills that wreck my stomach.

First we need IL to pass the bill, I'm waiting too. See ya at the clinic. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I just wish every state was medical.
make things a lot easier. But I see the midwest as some of the last states to do it
Current bills in both Missouri and Illinois. Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, will follow very quickly because they HATE being upstaged by Missouri and Illinois.

Where exactly do you consider the midwest to be?



Well-Known Member
I was talking about nebraska mainly.
pretty much talking out my ass. Im new to the midwest and it seems there are so many right wing evangelicals medicinal would take a long time to get here


cannamed is great; just be patient you will get a call from Sharron. It took me 2 weeks until I could go to the dispensary. Are you a caregiver, patient, both? Do you need a caregiver?


Well-Known Member
I was talking about nebraska mainly.
pretty much talking out my ass. Im new to the midwest and it seems there are so many right wing evangelicals medicinal would take a long time to get here
true story. if/when nebraska does get a MMJ law, i will be one of the first ones trying to get a rec. lol. if all else fails, im sure my mom could get one (shes got screws and stables in her knee bc she tore her acl and meniscus a long time ago), so i could be her caregiver :-P lol


Well-Known Member
I was talking about nebraska mainly.
pretty much talking out my ass. Im new to the midwest and it seems there are so many right wing evangelicals medicinal would take a long time to get here
The people for the most part you are correct. When I lived in Missouri I thought it was the conservative pits of hell. Everyone was an ignorant redneck. Go north of I70 and it liberalizes a bit.

Nebraska will soon follow Illinois, Missouri etc because the government won't want their people jumping boarders to Kansas City or St Joe Missouri to spend their money there which would circumvent Nebraska State coffers.

So many people seem to think that legislation follows the will of the masses. That couldn't be further from the truth. Legislation follows the money, in this dump economy prisons are going to need space for violent criminals and not passive post smokers and growers. It won't be cost effective to the government to keep jailing pot users while passing up the possibility of taxation on the product. It will happen my friend. Sadly Florida will be among the last to go and likely we'll have to put up with 5 - 10 years of 'decriminalization' only which wouldn't protect growers at all.



Well-Known Member
cannamed is great; just be patient you will get a call from Sharron. It took me 2 weeks until I could go to the dispensary. Are you a caregiver, patient, both? Do you need a caregiver?

its been about 5 weeks and i have still not received a call to come and get my dr signed papers..

they said i was approved by an outside doc and would call me when he was available to see me..

i dont need a caregiver, i grow my own very nicely


Well-Known Member
If you register a caregiver does that mean you cannot grow your own?

ya, you are giving up your growing rights.. or giving them over to someone who is able to grow if youre incapable or got MS and cancer..

this girl was trying to tell me that if you designate a caregiver you can grow your plants as well as they can.. i was like uhhh no, that makes every plant illegal.

she was stern that she knew what she was talkin about so i just smoked the blunt and acted like whatever.


you can actually have your own and have someone care for you...but if it has been 5 weeks there is either something wrong with your paperwork or you are not approved.


Well-Known Member
you can actually have your own and have someone care for you...but if it has been 5 weeks there is either something wrong with your paperwork or you are not approved.

well ill take the paperwork i have from me spending the last week in the hospital for IBS / gastral reflux shit.

and also i was told i was approved, i called and they said that, if i am not i could sue for false allegations


Im just playin...youre fine, just give it some time; you have to truely consider the ones with a terminal cancer or disability with first priority


any and every piece of paperwork about medical records should be in your file...I update my file twice a year, even if its for cold medicine. You should see the amount of people that come in without any paperwork...get a current....then call daily....Help them help you..but when that day comes you will be very excited.