Just got up


Well-Known Member
i flowered at 11inch and whats not big the bud or plant the plant is only 26inch's the bud is nice and compact next time i will what till i see pre flowers then flower. and thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
are the buds small for 18days? just wondering the top bud is a little more then a 1 inch


Well-Known Member
I have no idea about the bud size, but your plant looks healthy overall so at least you have that going for you

Are you feeding it molasses/nutes?


Well-Known Member
Well yeah I'd say you're on the right track!

From everything I've heard; your plant really matures towards the end of flowering. Hang in there I think you'll do just fine


Well-Known Member
the hairs are really thick on it im shore its going to be killer. and its my first grow so imm realy happy what till havest time.


Well-Known Member
u vegged at 11 inches...and they didnt show preflower at 11 inches...how many nodes did they have? ....I just sexed some of mine they are on 24/0and I have so far 4 f, 2 males...six more to sex not showin pre flower just yet there on nod 8/9 or so.....


Well-Known Member
My bushy plant is at day 32 I think....7 or 8 nodes I really can't tell there's so many leaves LOL and I don't have any signs of sex yet :(


Well-Known Member
they should(should)start showing preflower at nod 8...but that the rule not the exeception...smoke on..peace....SNOW SNOW SNOW>>>GO PATS