Just made well known member thought that would take bit longer

Thanks to all those likes an some kind words ..
‘much appreciated all admin an runners of the server that’s cool.
to all the people who gave likes,love, or laughs appreciated
Now you need to start chucking some pollen and get some fire crosses up on dcse that I can purchase similar to hydrored, thenotsoesoteric, and amos_otis so it can come full circle. :weed:
Fire crosses ? All of it I don’t get it
Explain if poss that’s sounds like chinese to me ..

Oh I don’t speak Chinese lmao
Fire... It's how the kids say something is good. I mean I guess you could use WiFi for breeding (white fire) it was really popular back when I first started. In this case it just means good. No cap Fr fr as the kids would say :bigjoint:
Fire... It's how the kids say something is good. I mean I guess you could use WiFi for breeding (white fire) it was really popular back when I first started. In this case it just means good. No cap Fr fr as the kids would say :bigjoint:
I thinks it’s lit is term your lookjng for but many phrases across the world all g bro lol
Welcome aboard, great place to hang out. A lot of things will sound Chinese to you at first. Keep reading if your new to growing. Set a plan in place first and tweak it from there. Environment should be first to tackle. Try to stick with known cannabis products for lights, medit, and nutrients. You be ahead of the game from the start. Enjoy the journey.
Welcome aboard, great place to hang out. A lot of things will sound Chinese to you at first. Keep reading if your new to growing. Set a plan in place first and tweak it from there. Environment should be first to tackle. Try to stick with known cannabis products for lights, medit, and nutrients. You be ahead of the game from the start. Enjoy the journey.
Doing just that starting easy working my way into it , out of touch definitely