OK, I bought one a couple weeks ago. Takes some getting used to! I set the temp at 360, then 370, now 375.I've been grinding medium, and packing moderate to excessively loose.
I get taste of terpenes in the first hits, but have an impossible time determining when the bowl is effectively "smoked out." I've picked up the Ascent with what I expected was a smoked out bowl and discovered that it's not smoked out at all. Accordingly, I have neat little piles of "smoked" grind setting out on a tray. Most of the time I'm putting these piles in a bong, where I can see and feel the smoke. (Which is pretty much what I'm hoping to avoid by vaporizing.)
Tight packing is something to work on! I've read of people pushing the lower draw pipe, the smaller diameter one with the triangle head and four holes, pushing this draw pipe down into the bowl through the draw pipe hole. But this means you need to go through the "grill" under the bowl and push it back out of the way (paperclip works well) before opening the bowl.
The unit is equipped with a motion sensor -- This sets up a timer which turns off the unit if it's not moving. Basically this is a safety feature allowing you to safely set the unit down, and possibly forget that it's running/heating. l set this sensor at 4:20.
There's a triple setting feature -- set bowl temps and run times at three variations. This option requires some figuring out with the buttons. I've lurched into having this option run, but not sure exactly how I got there. This option seems to set the bowl temps for the designated time, then moves to the next setting and timer, then the next set and timer. I expect it turns off the unit after the third timer.
There's an option on the display button that allows bowl heat to be turned off without turning off the rest of the unit. Not sure about the why of this. Mostly I take three or four nice draws, and then just turn off the unit at the on/off button near the mouthpiece and draw pipe.
Temps --
Here's a link. It's in Celsius --
Google offers a conversion function:
Dry pot starts to combust at 200 C, which is about 392 F. Combustion for sure is 230 C or 446 F. So, setting the Ascent for 375 or 380 F is pretty much right on the money.
"Medium grind" -- I'm pleased with this grinder.
Medical grade plastic, tough enough to grind coffee beans, air tite, water tite, "Grind, store, seal."
I reviewed the DaVinci Ascent elsewhere on this site: