Just Saying Hey!


:-D:-D:-D ''Hey''. Just thought I'd register to see the pictures going down with peeps grow logs.
I have been a lurker on other forums without posting for a few months now don't like the vibe on many but it seems preety chilled on this bored still so i thought id post an introduction.
Not looking to re-invent the wheel but i have been on forums before back in 06 however i got burnt by the feds so stopped growing for a while.
Recently however various things have made me want to start up again i.e having space, opportunity and the fact that draw has skyrocketed in price round my way.
Anyway that's it just thought it polite to say ''hi'' i might post the odd pic etc but i doubt ill do many logs as it started to become all consuming for me last time around, we shall see.

Cheers, Ditch.

P.S keep on overgrowing the man, they cant get us all x :clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Haya man and welcome to RIU bro, hope you have abit better luck this time around.... hope to see you around


:grin:Thanks for the welcome guys your appreciated

@ newatit2010 ''growing gets in your blood and is hard to get rid of''... IMHO m8 it gets into your soul. I have grown many other things since learning to grow pot this makes me happy simple as.

any way cheers
