Just some pictures


Active Member
So im really not one to stay up on one of these things but i would like to share some pictures of the plants i have going there are 6 lav, 4 sour d, 2 silver pearl, 1 albert walker, 1 stupid acorn i chose to revert back from flowering that i am regretting even messing with i feel it will be planted in the wild soon to live its couse of life as it chooses. So these are the babies may work it in to a sog but who knows. I am an older out door grower that i am just overly tired of large production this is a small grow where i can pay minute attention to my plants and get some really really high grade medicine. I am using 4 50 watt led panels for vegging (not recommended) but hey its just for fun. I am thinking of doing full sog grow with 400s to show people it is really easy to get really quality medicine with out sky roceting your power bill. Well this is a picture of the babies, and the grow box. As you can tell by the..... quality.... of the grow box this is not my highest concern at the time. Alll questions welcome happy growing. Plant seeds sing songs

