Just some questions

hey guys. I have a few plants about 6 days in soil now and their looking pretty good. The second set of adult serrated leaves can be seen on about 3 of the plants. The other three are still wrestling with their seeds, they have been in soil for about 3 days. Im not really sure about the watering/nutrient schedule. The original 2 round leaves are curling down, is this over watering? Also mixed in 1/10 suggested nutrients of bio zeus into a spray bottle (gives the plants copper and other elements) on day 6. http://www.scotts.com/smg/catalog/productTemplate.jsp?proId=prod70232&itemId=cat50152&tabs=general that is the soil im using. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Leave her to do her thing a while longer. She's still a baby and the two biggest killers are over watering and over feeding. Another week or two post an update and let's check her out for you.


bud bootlegger
i'd stop using the nutes as the plants usually use what is in the seed for the first few days of life and what is in the soil for the next few weeks.. starting to feed too early is a good way to kill young tender seedlings ime..


Well-Known Member
Most nitrogen;its fine. Plenty of nutes for a few more weeks no probs. What strain are you growing?
(Edit) I mean there's already plenty of nutes in the soil, not add any more!!! lol!


Well-Known Member
What are these white little nat things crawling in my soil?
Thats not really a great soil to use. Has those Grubs in it. I used it before and had to get all kindsof pesticides. Just from my own exp... I read somewhere you can cook them out, but i figured that was too much work.