Just starting...


Active Member
so, I've read that it's easiest/smartest to try growing on a bag seed rather than buying something expensive. I've got 5 seeds to germinate in damp paper towel and now I'm looking for the next step...when do I put them in a pot? How big of a pot? whats any easy growing area set up...lamps? darkness? fertilizer?? let me know...all thoughts are welcome! thanks.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, welcome aboard! Do you have a budget to work within, I assume you want to grow inside? If your going to grow outside, you need about 8 hours of DIRECT sunlight, which can be hard to do. Inside you'll need some form of a grow light, be it some cheap CFL's or a decnt HPS system. Alot of this is already answered in the growfaq's, but I am sure we'd be happy to help ya......but back to the original question, do you have a budget in mind?
For five plants a nice 430 watt hps system would grow some nice ass plants. Even after you get rid of the males, your babies will reward you with some nice fat buds!


Well-Known Member
If you are just learning it is smart to learn on whatever seeds on have on hand. Once you get the process down then go spend money on the expensive seeds (if you want). You might be happy with what you end up with.

First you have to germinate they. Go to GrowFAQ. Entire section with several techinques described step by step.


Well-Known Member
so, I've read that it's easiest/smartest to try growing on a bag seed rather than buying something expensive. I've got 5 seeds to germinate in damp paper towel and now I'm looking for the next step...when do I put them in a pot? How big of a pot? whats any easy growing area set up...lamps? darkness? fertilizer?? let me know...all thoughts are welcome! thanks.
That is the way to go for your first couple of grows before you get the hang of things. Once you are comfortable with growing, then it would be smart to buy seeds that will be worthwhile. You will know exactly what kind of strain it is, it's optimal timer for harvest, and many other important facts about that strain.

As for starting your grow, listen to Mogie and go to the GROW FAQ as there is plenty of valuable information on getting started. There are 2 pieces of advice that I can give you.

Anyway, I wish you the best of luck!!! Keep us updated!


New Member
Hey dude, welcome aboard! Do you have a budget to work within, I assume you want to grow inside? If your going to grow outside, you need about 8 hours of DIRECT sunlight, which can be hard to do. Inside you'll need some form of a grow light, be it some cheap CFL's or a decnt HPS system. Alot of this is already answered in the growfaq's, but I am sure we'd be happy to help ya......but back to the original question, do you have a budget in mind?
For five plants a nice 430 watt hps system would grow some nice ass plants. Even after you get rid of the males, your babies will reward you with some nice fat buds!
Sorry if it seems I'm being a pain in the ass videoman, but I intend to do an outside grow very soon and I read that plants only need 5 hours Direct sunlight and 5 hours indirect sunlight.


Well-Known Member
No, your not a pain at all dude, relax. I may be wrong and it may work for you, but last year I grew outside with 5 hours of direct sunlight on the plants, and the plants never flowered. Now maybe the strain had something to do with this, I dont know. I do know I was frustrated as hell and this is what prompted me to buy a grow light. lol

Sorry if it seems I'm being a pain in the ass videoman, but I intend to do an outside grow very soon and I read that plants only need 5 hours Direct sunlight and 5 hours indirect sunlight.


New Member
I suppose as much direct as they can get will only do more good for the yield. particularly in my country. thanks for the tip video'.


Active Member
hey all, thanks for the advice...I realize that a lot is said in the FAQ's but its easier to get specific answers here I think....

A bit of an update is in order, I've got two plants going right now, seeds had about a 3/8 inch roots each and i planted them in small cups and placed them in the dark...one of the plants now has a small "sprout" above the surface of the dirt....the other, not yet. so whats next?

I know that lights are needed...where can I find good cheap lights I only have these two plants and a college kid's budget so any advice would be sweet.....thanks for the help and keep smiling.


New Member
Ebay is a good place to get cheap grow lights. I could tell you of a better place but the air fare would outweigh, by far, the cost of the light.

I'm not too sure on that no nutes for a month thing either. If you're growing in soil I'd start nuting at half strength after a week.

If you want me to recommend some good nutes I'd tell you to go for sensi grow A and B. Two part feed. Then add voodoo juice. I notice that you said cheap lights so I won't bother to mention all the other goodies you can get for your plants. If your budget can stretch to it I'd recommend getting at least sensizym too.

Then you need to start saving for your flowering nutes in about 8 weeks time.


Well-Known Member
After they sprout put under as much blue light as you can get. 26 w (daylight) 6500 k cfl's. They are cheap.
I think you probally got a while to go in Michigan before you can put outside.
I live in SC and I probally would'nt consider putting mine outside until another 2-3wks. This cold we have been getting would hurt them.


Well-Known Member
smilingsmoker, I think skunkushybrid gave you some excellent advice. You should really consider using it.

Ebay is a good place to get cheap grow lights. I could tell you of a better place but the air fare would outweigh, by far, the cost of the light.

I'm not too sure on that no nutes for a month thing either. If you're growing in soil I'd start nuting at half strength after a week.

If you want me to recommend some good nutes I'd tell you to go for sensi grow A and B. Two part feed. Then add voodoo juice. I notice that you said cheap lights so I won't bother to mention all the other goodies you can get for your plants. If your budget can stretch to it I'd recommend getting at least sensizym too.

Then you need to start saving for your flowering nutes in about 8 weeks time.


Well-Known Member
so, I've read that it's easiest/smartest to try growing on a bag seed rather than buying something expensive. I've got 5 seeds to germinate in damp paper towel and now I'm looking for the next step...when do I put them in a pot? How big of a pot? whats any easy growing area set up...lamps? darkness? fertilizer?? let me know...all thoughts are welcome! thanks.
I'm new also and I can't stress enough to tie, top, and LST early if you have limited space because they really do double or triple in size once you change to flower 12/12 light schedule. I made the mistake the first round and have been cutting and trimming just to keep confined, I started early on the (2) I have in veg now. Good Luck... I'm sure you'll have fun.


Active Member
sorry guys but I have no idea what "nutes" are...as for buying this blue light...is it a light which is blue literally? where can I buy such a light...the ebay light idea...search grow light? sorry guys...pottheads and trying to learn this new (more technical than I thought) skill just aren't as easy as I thought! No worries, I'm not giving up yet...tell me more, please~!

keep smiling


New Member
Nutes are the nutrients you feed your plants. Advanced Nutrients IMO sell the best. If you go to their website at (I imagine) somewhere around Advanced Nutrients.com you'll find feeding charts and a wealth of information about what nutes to use and what it is they exactly do.

The blue light you want is called metal-halide, this type of light is best for veg' or the growth stage of your plant, which from seed will last about 8 weeks. You'll want at least 400w.

The red light or HPS (High-Pressure-Sodium) is the light best used for flowering. This stage usually lasts a minmum of 8 weeks, and you will need different nutes.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure on that no nutes for a month thing either. If you're growing in soil I'd start nuting at half strength after a week.
I'm not sure this is good advice for a newbie grower, in fact I find it hard to understand how you can hold this view at all to be honest.

All decent quality potting soil and compost has at least 3-4 weeks of nutrients built into it, feeding half strength (half strength would be too strong for some varieties even after the soil nutrients had run out!) after 1 week is a recipe for disaster in my opinion - and over fertilisation is one of the primary causes of plant problems with inexperienced growers. Hell, even experienced growers have problems getting their nutrient feeding schedule worked out on new varieties - what hope has a newbie grower got?

Plant nutrient feeding is used to replace the spent nutrients in the soil - why would you want to start feeding when theres still plenty of fresh nutrients existing in the soil?

If you want me to recommend some good nutes I'd tell you to go for sensi grow A and B. Two part feed. Then add voodoo juice. I notice that you said cheap lights so I won't bother to mention all the other goodies you can get for your plants. If your budget can stretch to it I'd recommend getting at least sensizym too.
I'm not sure this is particularly good advice for a newbie grower either - the guy's growing a couple of bagseed and is highly inexperienced - why recommend one of the most expensive and sophisticated nutrient ranges you can buy? Advanced Nutrients is much more suited to experienced growers who not only know what they're doing but can tailor a nutrient feed programme to suit their own particular requirements - they're not called Advanced Nutrients for no reason!

Inexperienced growers would be far better off with a much cheaper mineral based nutrient range such as Growth Technology's Ionics range (or whatever the equivalent might be in the US) until such a time as a better understanding of plant nutrient feeding is achieved and a more expensive, better quality nutrient range can be considered.


New Member
I'm not sure this is good advice for a newbie grower, in fact I find it hard to understand how you can hold this view at all to be honest.

All decent quality potting soil and compost has at least 3-4 weeks of nutrients built into it, feeding half strength (half strength would be too strong for some varieties even after the soil nutrients had run out!) after 1 week is a recipe for disaster in my opinion - and over fertilisation is one of the primary causes of plant problems with inexperienced growers. Hell, even experienced growers have problems getting their nutrient feeding schedule worked out on new varieties - what hope has a newbie grower got?

Plant nutrient feeding is used to replace the spent nutrients in the soil - why would you want to start feeding when theres still plenty of fresh nutrients existing in the soil?

Hmmm. Yes, I see your point here. Maybe because I used a sterilised soil mix. Where I then put OGP in straight away. This gives the plants enough nutes for about a week...

I'm not sure this is particularly good advice for a newbie grower either - the guy's growing a couple of bagseed and is highly inexperienced - why recommend one of the most expensive and sophisticated nutrient ranges you can buy? Advanced Nutrients is much more suited to experienced growers who not only know what they're doing but can tailor a nutrient feed programme to suit their own particular requirements - they're not called Advanced Nutrients for no reason!

Inexperienced growers would be far better off with a much cheaper mineral based nutrient range such as Growth Technology's Ionics range (or whatever the equivalent might be in the US) until such a time as a better understanding of plant nutrient feeding is achieved and a more expensive, better quality nutrient range can be considered.
I started with Advanced Nutrients; and they aren't called advanced because they are designed for the experienced grower, they are called advanced because of how they view THEMSELVES in the nutrient industry.
it's hardly rocket science and the results speak for themselves. How difficult is it to follow instructions? IMO sensi grow a and b is an excellent choice for ANY grower. Voodoo juice is an excellent choice too.

Like I say, i started with advanced nutrients. On my first grow I used Green Dream, Voodoo Juice and carboload... easy enough for anyone to understand.


Well-Known Member
It ain't brain surgery, it's growing a weed for gods sakes, get the best nutes that you can afford, and that you like.

As far as using nutes early on, I use a weakened solution right away because I want my babies to get accustomed to the nutes early on in life. It's worked for me, and I know I hear alot of people wait 3 weeks, and thats fine too. It's defenitely safe.

I also put them under a 400 watt hps right from sprouting. I don't put it right on top of em........yet, but this way there accustomed to what there gonna get the rest of there lives. Mine are about 10 days old right now, and the light is about 13" away from them, and there doing great!


New Member
It ain't brain surgery, it's growing a weed for gods sakes, get the best nutes that you can afford, and that you like.

As far as using nutes early on, I use a weakened solution right away because I want my babies to get accustomed to the nutes early on in life. It's worked for me, and I know I hear alot of people wait 3 weeks, and thats fine too. It's defenitely safe.

I also put them under a 400 watt hps right from sprouting. I don't put it right on top of em........yet, but this way there accustomed to what there gonna get the rest of there lives. Mine are about 10 days old right now, and the light is about 13" away from them, and there doing great!
I do mine exactly the same way except I use mh. I also have a fan up real close, but gentle... although i have give them max speed a few times to no ill effects, except once... but the way I see it, I'm only looking for a strong mother anyway. I have to admit to burning my plants on occasion with my lights being as close as they are, but this has never (to my knowledge) harmed them either. I've never had a plant die on me that I haven't deliberately killed.


Active Member
alright...so I guess Ill go with the HPS bulbs in order to eliminate having to buy a couple sets of bulbs...next the nutrients...cheap...available at home depot or what? also...i think that i want to keep my plants indoors permanantly...pros? cons? advice...let me know, and thank you all so much for the help...its coming in handy, I'll get some pictures up soon i've got a couple on their way


New Member
Go for cheap nutes if you like, then go to advanced nutrients. That way you'll see the difference for yourself.

Even though Advanced Nutrients are called ADVANCED, this DOES NOT mean they are for ADVANCED GROWERS. This is how they see themselves, and to my mind are completely justified in doing so. If you buy sensi grow a and b, and voodoo juice you should be fine. So long as you can follow directions it's really hard to fuck it up. Voodoo juice actually contains a nitrogen fixer as well as microbes that ensure good nutrient uptake by your roots, causing your plants to grow bigger and more quickly. For sensi a and b and voodoo juice it would cost me about 45 quid. So to you that's about $80.