Well-Known Member
Well fella's first off, how's life treating you? I hope all is well with you, and life is treating each & every fellow grower well.
The reason for my post is a few thoughts:
About 11+ year's or so ago, I started growing the plant that I'm sure "we" all love so very much! I don't think you'd be here if you didn't!. Anyway's, all those years ago, my very 1'st grow I looked at the "SAD" results, I worked so very hard on & I askd myself, was it "really" worth it all!? And did I learn anything from the experiance?? First off: I learned that marijuana is NOT a weed! It's a speciatly plant that does best when given a controlled enviroment & inputs.
Of course, if you just plant a seedling or clone in a pot filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest or some other reasonably rich soil, and then stick it outdoors and wait for harvest time, you may end up with some bud.
I ended up with 47 grams of bud loaded with THC. The buds tasted nice, and got my friends and me stoned.
Id have had to pay about $550-700 to get the same amount of comparable-quality marijuana if I was buying regular retail. So I did the math
All total I had invested about $200 on marijuana grow supplies, and maybe 10 hours per week for several months, paying attention to the Hawaiian Snow x Chocolope cross that I grew. And I got a couple of ounces from it.
So, adding up the cost of my time and money, did I grow myself some free bud without too much expense or trouble? Not really. When I added up the monetary value of the hours I spent growing plus the money I spent on grow supplies, it was just about a break-even.
Growing marijuana was way more work than I anticipated, and what started out as a who cares if it works or not amateur marijuana cultivation experiment ended up becoming an obsession.
Its like that old song, Fooled Around and Fell in Love. You have fun with a girl thinking shes just a temporary girlfriend or sex buddy, and then you get hooked, cant get her out of your mind. I fell in love with marijuana growing. But it was a love-hate relationship. I hated that I didnt know enough to do it right. That I didnt have enough money to buy professional hydroponics nutrients, an HID light, and a controlled indoor marijuana growing environment.
I loved my marijuana plant like youd love a daughter, but I hated it that the plant developed problems, and I especially hated it that the problems were my fault. It was because I didnt know how to be a good grower, a good father, to my plant, and this made me feel like a dumb ass! But the fact that I was growing this plant the wrong way challenged my pride and self-esteem.
Its like, I had this living thing, this plant that was counting on me, and I was dreaming of big fat nugs that would medicate me into outer space. But the plant didnt do well, and I could barely keep it alive until I could harvest it.
The hydroponics store guy who had been coaching me (even though the word marijuana was never spoken between us), openly laughed at me and called me a cheapskate, a Wal-Mart grower.
Listen, bro, Im not trying to make money off you, Im just sayin, if you dont invest in a real grow light and some hydroponics nutrients, youre going to get a crappy harvest, he said.
And he was right: I got a crappy harvest. The potency, taste and aroma were good enough, but the weight was far below what I could have had. When I chopped that plant down, I actually apologized to it for not having treated it good enough when it was alive.
But like I said before, the marijuana growing fever had me in its grips. I sat there at night in front of my computer, puffing on bowls of Hawaiian Snow x Chocolope, starting to piece together what I had to do, know, and buy so I would guarantee myself a successful marijuana garden.
I found marijuana growing videos on YouTube, like this one where the guy is growing Trainwreck and Super Lemon Haze in a closet, and it would inspire me to do whatever it took to become a successful marijuana grower.
I mean, the guy only has three marijuana plants, but he had a massive yeild from them!!! It took me two years to learn enough to become a competent marijuana grower who can reliably produce lots of THC and weight every crop cycle! Its is a lot to this about, you can't just stick a seed in the soil/hydro system and exspect it to grow! It takes years to get to being a skilled marijuana grower, starting with the fundamentals of how to choose a marijuana grow room site, how to choose hydroponics marijuana equipment, testing your ph,how to build a grow room, what kind of hydroponics nutrients and gardening systems to use, hydroponics grow lights whatever it takes to grow the best marijuana, and trust me its a lot!!. If your a new grower, don't down yourself if your first,second,or hell even third and forth grow doesn't turn out liked exspected! Just take your time with it,stick with it,don't quit!!! There will be times that you get pissed off,and frustrated. It happens to us all. But don't give up.com just keep your noses in the books as they say,read,read,read, and when you think you've read enough, read some fucking more!! And feel free to ask questions! , even if you think there stupid questions, only thing that's stupid is not asking. And I m not saying I know it all,because I would be lying through mt teeth! And I don't claim to neither! Hell, I find myself learning new techniques everyday! I believe the only time we all will STOP learning is when we take the long dirt nap!! What I'm trying to say is just don't give up! Well fella's, I am going to roll me up a big ol' hog leg joint, and get higher then a mother fucker! Excuse the french.. but that's how I feel, and I speak my mind. Well, y'all take er easy, and until next time, happy 420, & happy growing & toking!!.... Later guy's...

The reason for my post is a few thoughts:
About 11+ year's or so ago, I started growing the plant that I'm sure "we" all love so very much! I don't think you'd be here if you didn't!. Anyway's, all those years ago, my very 1'st grow I looked at the "SAD" results, I worked so very hard on & I askd myself, was it "really" worth it all!? And did I learn anything from the experiance?? First off: I learned that marijuana is NOT a weed! It's a speciatly plant that does best when given a controlled enviroment & inputs.
Of course, if you just plant a seedling or clone in a pot filled with Fox Farm Ocean Forest or some other reasonably rich soil, and then stick it outdoors and wait for harvest time, you may end up with some bud.
I ended up with 47 grams of bud loaded with THC. The buds tasted nice, and got my friends and me stoned.
Id have had to pay about $550-700 to get the same amount of comparable-quality marijuana if I was buying regular retail. So I did the math
All total I had invested about $200 on marijuana grow supplies, and maybe 10 hours per week for several months, paying attention to the Hawaiian Snow x Chocolope cross that I grew. And I got a couple of ounces from it.
So, adding up the cost of my time and money, did I grow myself some free bud without too much expense or trouble? Not really. When I added up the monetary value of the hours I spent growing plus the money I spent on grow supplies, it was just about a break-even.
Growing marijuana was way more work than I anticipated, and what started out as a who cares if it works or not amateur marijuana cultivation experiment ended up becoming an obsession.
Its like that old song, Fooled Around and Fell in Love. You have fun with a girl thinking shes just a temporary girlfriend or sex buddy, and then you get hooked, cant get her out of your mind. I fell in love with marijuana growing. But it was a love-hate relationship. I hated that I didnt know enough to do it right. That I didnt have enough money to buy professional hydroponics nutrients, an HID light, and a controlled indoor marijuana growing environment.
I loved my marijuana plant like youd love a daughter, but I hated it that the plant developed problems, and I especially hated it that the problems were my fault. It was because I didnt know how to be a good grower, a good father, to my plant, and this made me feel like a dumb ass! But the fact that I was growing this plant the wrong way challenged my pride and self-esteem.
Its like, I had this living thing, this plant that was counting on me, and I was dreaming of big fat nugs that would medicate me into outer space. But the plant didnt do well, and I could barely keep it alive until I could harvest it.
The hydroponics store guy who had been coaching me (even though the word marijuana was never spoken between us), openly laughed at me and called me a cheapskate, a Wal-Mart grower.
Listen, bro, Im not trying to make money off you, Im just sayin, if you dont invest in a real grow light and some hydroponics nutrients, youre going to get a crappy harvest, he said.
And he was right: I got a crappy harvest. The potency, taste and aroma were good enough, but the weight was far below what I could have had. When I chopped that plant down, I actually apologized to it for not having treated it good enough when it was alive.
But like I said before, the marijuana growing fever had me in its grips. I sat there at night in front of my computer, puffing on bowls of Hawaiian Snow x Chocolope, starting to piece together what I had to do, know, and buy so I would guarantee myself a successful marijuana garden.
I found marijuana growing videos on YouTube, like this one where the guy is growing Trainwreck and Super Lemon Haze in a closet, and it would inspire me to do whatever it took to become a successful marijuana grower.
I mean, the guy only has three marijuana plants, but he had a massive yeild from them!!! It took me two years to learn enough to become a competent marijuana grower who can reliably produce lots of THC and weight every crop cycle! Its is a lot to this about, you can't just stick a seed in the soil/hydro system and exspect it to grow! It takes years to get to being a skilled marijuana grower, starting with the fundamentals of how to choose a marijuana grow room site, how to choose hydroponics marijuana equipment, testing your ph,how to build a grow room, what kind of hydroponics nutrients and gardening systems to use, hydroponics grow lights whatever it takes to grow the best marijuana, and trust me its a lot!!. If your a new grower, don't down yourself if your first,second,or hell even third and forth grow doesn't turn out liked exspected! Just take your time with it,stick with it,don't quit!!! There will be times that you get pissed off,and frustrated. It happens to us all. But don't give up.com just keep your noses in the books as they say,read,read,read, and when you think you've read enough, read some fucking more!! And feel free to ask questions! , even if you think there stupid questions, only thing that's stupid is not asking. And I m not saying I know it all,because I would be lying through mt teeth! And I don't claim to neither! Hell, I find myself learning new techniques everyday! I believe the only time we all will STOP learning is when we take the long dirt nap!! What I'm trying to say is just don't give up! Well fella's, I am going to roll me up a big ol' hog leg joint, and get higher then a mother fucker! Excuse the french.. but that's how I feel, and I speak my mind. Well, y'all take er easy, and until next time, happy 420, & happy growing & toking!!.... Later guy's...