just wondering


Every post I see about cfls everyone always says u need tons of them because they lose light fast after a couple inchs. I know this is true but everyone always talks about surrounding the plant with lights. But with cfls the light comes out the sides so if u do it that way you are wasting tons of usable light. So I'm gonna take another approch. I'm gonna surround the lights with plants. I'm new to this so its gonna take me some time but right now I have 5 plants and 4 lights. And the 42 watt one sits in the middle of all 5 plants while the others are positioned over head. I'm gonna get a 65 watt one in the middle. In just a week I've noticed they havnt really shot up but foilage in the middle is really blooming. The clones about a foot tall. Since these lights are built the way they are my thory should be correct right?


Well-Known Member
If your grow space has good reflective qualities, you should be able to use all usable light. CLF's just dont have the penetration of HID lights and thats why you need more from all angles. The fact that they dont get as hot allows you to put them very close to the plant.

Illegal Smile

It's true cfls give off more light from the sides than from the end, but the difference isn't tons it is only like 10%. So position them in whatever way works best without worrying about that.