just wondering


Well-Known Member
Pretend you are showing a blind friend everything you are doing in your grow room. That way you will be forced
to provide the important details everyone forgets. Like how much you watered, do you water with cold or warm water?

I start a grow journal by just using the front of each page for the day to day details. On the back I mark down height
from measurements taken every 3 days. Todays entry in the flowering room journal is --
" 7-24-12 AM: 32 oz. H2O + LB + D > 2, 16 oz. > 3, PM: 8 oz. > 5". That reminds me I watered 32 ounces of water with Liquid Bloom nutes plus Dawn detergent
to the 2 bigger plants and 16 ounces to the smaller plants flowering. Then in the afternoon I gave them all another
8 ounces. Those kind of daily details make it easier for you to come back and do the same thing again. That is the
journalist's goal -- to include as much as possible (don't forget pix) so you can get reproducable results. Otherwise
it's just a vanity measure saying "hey look at me", imo.
