Keemos 09 outdoor Grow and Attemp to Rehab


Active Member
Hey everyone, I had a plant in 12/12 for aproximately 35 days or so(bagseed), it looked really good and healthy at 3' tall. but unfortunatelly I neglected it for 2 or 3 days and had a spider mite attack on my grow due to hot temps and humidity. I rescued what i could of the other plants and got a small amount of dried bud. Exept for that 3' tall bagseed that wasen't done budding and looked healthy enough for a rehab attemp. so I tried to clone the lower branches that seemed kinnda doomed anyway, the clones are still up in the air. I cleaned the plant to the best of my ability and put it outside about 2 weeks ago. I'm in Florida and it's always sunny here so i guess the amount of sun is enough since it gets a full days worth of sun due to the location, (about 8 or 10 hours of direct sun). When i go back and check on it it seems to keep buddind almost like nothing happened to the main cola, but the lower branches are almost doomed, but there might be hope. I need to go check it out.That's the story for that one. if anybody has any comments or anything to say please let me know, any similar stories? u think it will be decent at the end? Thanks.
While I was there I decided to plant a few seends indoors until they sprout and wait to see how they grow outdoors, and they are doing very good. pics coming up. (new grow 09: nirvana WW, and seedsman Purple Bud) Is anybody else growing anyhting similar in FL? Any Thoughts?
The Pic shown is the one in "rehab" before the attack

