keep getting the munchies really bad


Well-Known Member
hey guys, since i smoked the stuff from my last grow i have had to buy a few 8ths while i wait for my snowwhites to finish .

with the 8th im smoking at the minute me and the missus keep getting really bad munchies and after a smoke in the evening im down the shop buying midget gems and cadburys fruit and nut :wall:

so what i want to know is there any strains that you know dont give you chronic munchies, its only been this 8th that is doing it, yeah its a lush smoke but just not into the munchies

+rep for serious answers


Active Member
My white russians aren't too bad at causing the stone munchies, but on the odd occasion that they do... oopsies.... My chronic from serious seeds, create killer stone munchies but then again can be so couch locked you may just get over them...