keeping cool


Active Member
hey guys,
i got a question i was hoping one of you could help me answer. im pretty new to growing and have recently setup my self a box. dimesions 36" long, 22" deep and 30" tall. im using i 150watt hps and have a 4" intake fan 135 i believe cfm and a 4" exhaust same cfm plus an 8" fand and a 4" fan to help with air flow and trying to keep things cool. i have a 20" box fan outside of the room pointed at the intake to try to help cool the air going in even with all this i still run temps of 93-95 a little hot for my taste. running a vent outside wont work for me cuz of stealth reasons and again for stealth reasons the box cant sit by a window where i could have an ac machine. any ideas on what else to do to keep it cool? i was thinking of replacing the 4" circulation fan with a 6" one so i would have two circulation fans in the box a 8" one and 6" one but i worried about to much airflow and stressing the plant to hermie. again any ideas would be appreciated...thanks guys.