Keeping my tent cool?


What up y'all? So I am building a grow tent and have a few questions. 1) what type of fans do I use for exaust and intake? 2) will the exaust intake and oscillating fan be enough to keep my tent cool? 3) will I need co2 tanks and are they expensive?

Lookin forward to all the feedback


Well-Known Member
Well you have alot of questions, with a lot of possible answers.

What type of light(s) are you going to use?

I run a 4x4x7 ft tent and use a 600 watt light with 430 cfms of air pushing through a XXL magnum hood.
I also run A/C in a closed air system with CO2 enrichment

The Co2 can cost about 3-400 bucks if you have no equipment at all. That's about 125 bucks for the 20# tank, 150 for the electric regulator. and a cheap timer is all you need to do it right.

I have a master brain that controls everything for me but that is way over the top for most, but you can pick one up for $600. It takes a lot of the guess work and weeks of tweaking you room to run right out of the equation.

Anyway if you have more questions post away. I'll check back later. JR


Hey jr, thanks man. I'm on a budget and was wondering if I could get away with just using the co2 that naturally is produced. I am running a 400 watt hps. Also the fans should keep the tent cool right? Let me know what u think. I'm building a tent know and I want to make it as efficient and nice as possible. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Where are u puting the tent / in a garage in a basement ?It depends on the temp of the area u place the tent


Well-Known Member
Okay if your 400 watt light is non air cooled it might be too hott .I run an 250w hps in an homemade 4x4x7.5 ft tent/hut its air cooled with 145 cfm 4 in fan and i run about + 3 degrees what the temp is outside I,m in an garage and my tent is heavily insulated.And thats running light at night when its cooler no radiate effect from the sun .


Well-Known Member
Well 1 thing i didnt ask what state are u in as far as climate goes?just try it and see b4 u grow then if it doesnt work try to get ur money back then buy an air cooled hood there are some budget ones out there mine is hydrofarm value brite with the glass .


Well-Known Member
Vinegar and baking soda are pretty cheap in the start up, but I only pay 13 bucks every 4-5 weeks for Co2. It cost more upfront but is only a few dollars a week now.

You need a air cooled hood or cool tube for a 400 in any sort of smaller space. I saw on ebay, pyrex round glass tubes for like 15 bucks, That's cheap, hook up some 6 or 8 inch ducting and you have a cool tube for under 20 bucks!

Good luck.....JR