Keeping plants alive during a power outage...


Within a few days, my area is going to get hit with a decent sized hurricane that will most likely knock out power for a few hours and up to a few days.

I have a bunch of clones sitting in an EZCloner with decent sized roots (they have been in there longer than expected due to delays on the completion of my final setup) right now and am wondering how I could keep them alive if I get hit hard by this storm.

I have dealt with power outages before for 2 days during a snowstorm, but the plants were monsters, sitting in 10g pots of Coco. This is obviously different.

Do any of you have any suggestions how I could keep the plants alive, other than buying a generator (as I can't afford one currently)?

lukey boii

Active Member
I have a bunch of clones sitting in an EZCloner with decent sized roots (they have been in there longer than expected due to delays on the completion of my final setup) right now and am wondering how I could keep them alive if I get hit hard by this storm.

Do any of you have any suggestions how I could keep the plants alive, other than buying a generator (as I can't afford one currently)?
My mums boyfriend powers some lights in his shed with some little box connected to a car battery, the box has like 4 power outputs on it, don't no what it's called but you might be able to google it and see what comes up?


Active Member
I am also in the path of this hurricane and was wondering the same thing mine girls are 3 weeks into flower and and worried about then being feed cause all my pumps and equipment is electric might have to check out the car battery thing thanks for the insight


Global Moderator
Staff member
My mums boyfriend powers some lights in his shed with some little box connected to a car battery, the box has like 4 power outputs on it, don't no what it's called but you might be able to google it and see what comes up?
It is called a power inverter - you might be able to run a couple CFL's, but not a whole lot more.
Or, you could always take the advice from an Einstein in my sig.


Active Member
I am lucky I harvested the morning of the hurricane so the kushberry is safe. I so have some 1 W̸k clones though. I put them in some shallow water so hopefully they safe till power come back on. I flower at night so no window action for me. My mothers are in a dwc/aero setup so they cool. I just have to leave the tent open.