kerosene heater in g-room?


Active Member
hello all! my grow area gets quite cold especially while lights are off 50-55 F and 67-72 F when on. i started putting a kerosene heater in the room and using it for a few hrs a day.

i'm wondering if the heater could damage the plants in any way? the heat doesn't get high even with it especially when on in two hr intervals. i worry more about the kerosene smell i can get a good whiff of it every once and awile.

should this be used in my room or would it be harmfull in any way? they do seem like they rather like the extra heat.
thanks for any help
Extra co2 but usually blue flame equals co2, yellow is carbon monoxide, harmful.

I run a Mr . heater 18, 000 btu and it is plenty for me, I run it on low and supposed to run 12 hrs on 2lbs of propane. Thats not too bad imo and its co2 , blue flame. My rooms temps are what yours are and my stuff is doing great.
ok thanks guys. i was using it as a quick fix as it has been pretty cold in the room and my only other option at the moment was a electric heater and my electric bills are already high. buying kerosene is probly more expensive but at least i can hide the usage.
i will look into other means
Let us know . How big of a area are you needing to heat? Propane in about a buck per lb. I dont know how long your kerosene heater last but the fumes are no good.
kerosene and propane are way different. Kerosene burns dirty and is unsafe to use inside. I wouldnt run kerosene in the house period. much less a grow room that nobody is in to babysit the heater. ALso that shit stinks. I'd just get an electric space heater.