Khannaognosis (Study of Cannabis)


This was our first live stream from Youtube. We know we need help, so we are asking you our faithful, insightful forum contributors, for help. We need cultivators not afraid to talk about real issues and uses of Cannabis. History, medicine, and pleasure! So please feel free to send me a PM with your email, and we will endeavor to have you on as a guest. Thanks all here at Rollitup, you make my work that much more effective.~XD

Casa Del Loki on Khannagnosis


Well-Known Member
Hell thier as stoned as i am,lol... i would but i think they still hang ya here in texas ,but will chk it out.


Well-Known Member
oh i like being on camera...what do you want to i moved across country for i had the police show up the other night and were actually on my side. The evolution of my grow?


Well-Known Member
Truth, that's why we need people willing to come on and talk about what they know on Cannabis.
I talk about what I know online from the comfort and anonymity of my keyboard. Do you honestly think that you are going to get many growers that are willing to join your format? Another deal breaker for me was the fact that your medicated personality isn't suited for hosting a chat. Just my humble opinion.


Just remember, we have that first amendment, freedom of speech. Plus the webcam mute and mic mute will help, if you feel the need to keep some amount of anonymity, the chat log will still be there if you feel more comfortable. As long as you engage the viewers with tips, tech, and your personal interest dealing with the life of a Cannabis Patient.~XD



Well-Known Member
The thing is, a bunch of really stoned but otherwise healthy kids talking about the marijuana lifestyle does absolutely nothing for the Cannabis Patient, and in fact it's the last thing he would want Joe Citizen to find when they google 'medical marijuana'.

Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with the marijuana lifestyle for anyone that chooses it, believe me. Just leave the medical aspect out. There are a lot of people out there that are trying to take it away from us.


Well-Known Member
Hey dsm! Your sig. is very true, I went to these guys for a renewal, Talk about a sales pitch! Here you need to try this tincture, it will help with your sleeping problems... I don't have sleeping problems doc, I have no intestines. LOL!