Kick me please


Well-Known Member
i need a good kick in the ass.i cant believe i didn t think this out.was give a few seed that is a super fast life--60 days or so.i really am amazed at the rate they grow and bloom.-----anyway i am so impressed that i want more seed but like an ass i pulled up the only male of it because i was thinking smoke not seed----KICK ME ----anyway hes tryng to get me a few more.he also said that sometimes the females may have a seed or two around lower part of bud along stem


Well-Known Member
how about this------i called my buddy where i got seed.he has a male he is getting ready to cut down.16 inches of male do i get a cut down male to my house to screw my female<HEHE> before it looses its stuff!!!!


Well-Known Member
i need a good kick in the ass.i cant believe i didn t think this out.was give a few seed that is a super fast life--60 days or so.i really am amazed at the rate they grow and bloom.-----anyway i am so impressed that i want more seed but like an ass i pulled up the only male of it because i was thinking smoke not seed----KICK ME ----anyway hes tryng to get me a few more.he also said that sometimes the females may have a seed or two around lower part of bud along stem
your females wont have any seeds on them at all.not unless its a hermie.try and find that male plant ...cut open the pollen sucks and rub that shit on those pistils

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you wanted to you could keep the males or if you want you could turn around and make feminized seeds of it by using a few methods to hermi a female plant to get her to pollinate her self or other females around there.


Well-Known Member
where is that explained.? also the male has been cut this morning and in a bag.if i go get it today will it still fertilize my female?


Well-Known Member
Yes do it quickly. Then gather your pollen together put into a airtight glass container with a few grains of rice, store in the fridge. I know it can last at least 3 months this way although it is not as strong. Takes a bit more it seems each month to pollinate the same amount of flowers but some is better than none.
Good Luck
Oh keep this dark also


Well-Known Member
ok i aquired a male same as my female.cut it down and put in a brown paper bag.took to female and rubbed all over female ,,hope this works!!!!!will know soon enough female is 18 or so inches tall what would be a good guess on how many seeds it could produce? thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
If you pollinated the entire plant and it was say in the 3rd or 4th week of flower, you should get hundreds of seeds. I pollinate the lowest branch on my plants and average about 80 - 100 seeds and I usually pollinate in the second or third week of flower.
If you are interested in making seeds or breeding in the future you can easily pollinate 1 branch and keep the rest of the plant seed free for medicine. Simply collect your pollen, place in a small container so that wind or accidents don't spread the pollen around. Take an artist's paintbrush, small, dust your branch. Provided your area was wind or draft free you will have seeds in 4 to 6 weeks,
Good Luck