Kids say the darnedest things....


Well-Known Member
So my bf's kid got in trouble this morning and knew dad was going to punish him when he got home. So he freaked out crying on the bus and told the bus driver he didnt feel safe to go home. The bus driver took him to the transportation dept and called the police. Found all this out after frantically trying to find him... he told the officer several different stories including that his dad abuses him and has a grow op. 1st one isnt true at all but the second one is. Child protective services will be coming out to investigate in the next few days. The grow op is 100% legal and locked away from the kids with no access. Smoking is kept away from them as well as every paraphenalia and medicine locked away. I'm not worried at all about the investigation or the aligations. I feel confident that they will see this for what it really is....just a brat not getting his way. Anyone else had any issues with their kids trying to put you in jail so they dont have to be punished?lol Any other simiular stories to share? THis shit is totally consuming me and I needed to vent..and maybe some advice on what to do???

Now that I've made you officially hate kids.....:)
Please enjoy this funny video


Well-Known Member
Hes about to be 9. Hes a master manipulator
That's cuz he has no trust at home. The dad probably ignores him. Or the mom ignores him. Kids need interaction and love.

I'm evil minded and crazy headed but I vow to change the cycle. I show my kid and all the kids that are ever around (which are a lot since I coach and have kids over all the time ) to be friendly and ready to help anyone that isn't able. And really is in dire need of help.

Not monetarily.


Well-Known Member
Mom is a drunk that ignores them, nailed it.
That sucks. Them that means the whole blame game starts and the kid hears it.

If you are around the kid just show him strength and compassion. It rubs off. Strong minded but with morals to be out for the greater good.

Even if that's just for his self.

I'm like making this up as I go. It makes sense?

I'm lost again

Edit : Quetey petutey .


Well-Known Member
Hes very loved here in our home, we showered him with everything he could need and want because he was showing improvement in school and behaviour so that was rewarded. He seemed to transition well over to his new school and home life. idkwtf Just seems like a way to get what he wants, hes gone to great lengths in the past. Consequences for lying is 2 wks grounding (bc we are sick of it). He didnt want that, so this happened