Killing My Sprouts


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for a while (I have a few very healthy 5 week old sprouts), my parent was aware of this and I was aware that they were aware.
I've ran into some legal trouble, and now they insist that I get rid of them. There's no chance of my house being searched, it's not that serious, I was caught with less than an ounce of pot on me. (misdemeanor). I never intended to distribute or sell anything, really I just wanted something to take care of and love.
I feel obligated to respect their wishes, but I love my little ones so much. In my mind they were growing for me, I'd talk to them, I thought about them as my babies.

I suppose any grower would feel this way about their plants.
I wish there was some way that I could make it legal for me to keep them, I've been trying to think of ways to kill them but it makes me want to cry. When I watered them and took care of them I always heard happy little voices in my head, thanking me, loving me for taking care of them.
When I think about killing them I hear those same little voices calling for me to stop hurting them.
I know, I sound like a nut case, I have my own ideas on what's making me connect so irrationally to plants, even to project thoughts and feelings onto them. Everyone has their issues.

Any ideas on how to make my growing legal? A way to get rid of my plants that won't leave me feeling like I've killed my loving children?

Bah, I hate whining at people, but thanks for listening, I needed sympathetic ears.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sad story, you have no friend to adopt your babies, no backwood to let them grow wild, and you chech on them periodically? If not, pluck em up and flush them down the toilet...

Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Eat them... =]

It is what they would want... =]

And it will taste good too...

No im a nut case too dont listen to me, but thats proly what i would do... =P

Sorry you got busted... If we were all raving alcoholics who would rally at the thought of making our leisure illegal things might be different...

Cigarettes should be illegal they kill people... WTF... =0

Any way hope you feel better... And DAMN the MAN... =]


Well-Known Member
Happy ending!
I passed my drug test by some miracle, completely clean. I only do pot anyway, so that's all I was expecting to come up for. Then I convinced my parent that I only want to keep them because I care for them so much. So we arranged that I would never let them produce buds, and if something happens and they do, I'm to give the bud to my parent to do what they want with, no questions asked. :D
My babies will live, and I get to take care of them still.

Thanks for all the suggestions!

Just in case my parent changes their mind, I'm going to smuggle the ones I think could survive to go live in the abandoned lot a few blocks over. The grass and weeds there haven't been cut in years and no one ever goes there for fear of snakes. Luckily I have snake boots. :D

I was never going to have the heart to harvest my plant babies anyway, I'd rather they live without me reaping the rewards than die by my hands.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the p's just want to smoke your herb... =]


Glad to hear you get to keep your babies... =]

If you keep them on 24 hour constant light you can keep them bud-less indefinitely... =]

You can even save on your electric bill by getting a timer set up to do one hour on one hour off... They will grow slower but will not ever bloom... So i have read any hoo... =]

Good luck...


Well-Known Member
I say grow them all the way "accidentally on purpose" and give your parents a little, since that's what they said after all :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Lol. Well atleast you have a hobby and care about somthing. Some people will never find that in there life.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I seriously doubt that they'd flush it, from what I've heard from the aunts and uncles they'd light it up.:joint:
Thanks for the info! I have a timer, So far they've been on 16/8 schedule. (I think that's how you're supposed to say it) and they've grown like crazy!
I transplanted the biggest ones into some halved milk and juice containers I found in our trash and they have just sprung up and outward; like they're celebrating.:mrgreen:

I'm trying to think how I can get to that lot and plant, I'm a little worried about the winter weather coming up. How well does marijuana do against the cold? It's already November and we're still having a lot of hot/warm days, so I don't think it'll be too harsh...


Well-Known Member
Cannabis does not like the cold... Keep them away from the windows if it gets cold...

If you are using artificial light it will help keep that area warm in the winter you just need to make sure it is getting ventilated... Oxygen out CO2 in...


Well-Known Member
Texas, and it'd probably be best that they live outside, as my parent is notorious for suddenly changing their mind.
Darn, I was hoping for an easy fix, just moving them to the lot. There's no way to protect them from the cold outdoors?
I knew about the ventilation, I made sure they had plenty of oxygen, but since I really can't haul a tank up stairs, I just made sure to exercise at least thirty minutes a day right next to where they were growing. Lost a few pounds, and hoped my frenzied wheezing would produce the CO2 needed.:mrgreen: (I'm very out of shape. lol)