Kind of new here, Hey Guys! :)


New Member
So iv'e been going around this forum for a couple of years now but never really started an active user nor an actual grow of my own...
In a couple of weeks im about to start growing indoor (FINALLY) and just wanted to present myself and ask if any of you think I should read a specific guide for newbies or anything...

Thanks in advance and have a great weekend ;-)


Active Member
Read it all and make the best decisions that work for you and your setup. i also wouldnt trust all the advice you get as fact as some is just preference misconstrued as fact. The best way to learn for me was hands on and with this site you should be able to make a good run on your first crop. What are you using as a grow medium? What kind of light and how many? how big of an area are you going to do?


Welcome to RIU,
Some basic posts that cover germination, light, food, and air movement are where you should start. Sounds like you have a couple weeks to make sure you have everything covered. We didn't see any info on what your growing and the housing for the girls so its hard to tell if your going to have temp/ humidity issues etc.

Give us a big picture of what your plan is from lights to soil/ seed and we can make sure you have all the basics covered.

You'll never know everything on your first grow which is why you joined the community! The keys to remember that no question is a stupid question and a lot of people are here to help along the way :)


Active Member
Welcome. Myself started a couple of months or so ago. It took me several weeks to narrow down what I wanted to start with. If you check my Journal you will see the progress of a NOOB (that's me) when it comes to growing for the first time. Now my next cycle I will be going scrog. And see how much yield two GDP will give me on a 5'x5' scrog net. On top of each plant will be 1 gavita pro 1000. In soil with floranova bloom. I think for me to come to the point of "OK THIS IS THE WAY I WANT ALWAYS TO GROW" will take me 5 grow cycles. which is a year.

This current one im doing good for a noob. Welcome again and dont forget to share them pics =)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Find a grow you like in the grow journals. One that you can copy exactly. Then copy it, exactly. Best way to make a start in my personal opinion. You will have a rig that WORKS, and some solid advice to count on from a person that made that rig WORK. If you plan on going organic, send me a PM and I will post you a whole bunch of links...


Active Member
This is my most recent one. i will be keeping a detailed journal of my next one and also posting a step by step guide on how to achive the same results that i do. This 5x5 produced 40+ ounces in 3 months to the day from clone in the dirt to harvest. if you check out my albums there are a lot of good pics in there. i have been doing this for 10+ years and this is the best way i have come up with to get the max yeild everytime.IMG_0311 - Copy.jpgIMG_0322.jpgIMG_0363.jpgIMG_0419.jpg2013-10-09_21-33-26_633.jpg