Know the facts, but need some experienced opinions

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
This is my first grow..... I am closed growing:joint:
I have mylar on the walls, 3 lights (plan on more), one fan and one cherry kush seed and one romulan seed. I am growing the two side by side. They were germinated in wet paper towels in a dish, then 2 days ago I placed them into dirt after they germinated. Today the romulan broke through the surface of the dirt, although I'm still waiting on the cherry. I have heard of a 16/8 light schedule, and a 24/0 schedule as well. What would an experienced grower suggest?



Well-Known Member
You will get many different answers as far as which light schedule is the best for veg. Personally, I keep them on 24/7 for the first 10 days or so to give them a jumpstart and then I switch to 18/6 for the rest of the veg phase.


Well-Known Member
thanks! is it a bad idea to grow 2 strains side byside under the same conditions?
Not really. The only thing that comes to mind right now ( I am a bit toasted ) is that different strains can be very different in height so you may have to put one of your plants up on something to keep the canopy even.

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I am growing some cherry kush, and some romulan. I didnt smoke the romulan, I got them from a friend, but I was fortunate enough to smoke the cherry. How different will these plants be? I know its impossible to tell, but I just dont want to set myself up for failure.


Well-Known Member
18/6 for veg bro.
wot lights u got? u say 3 but wot kind?how close u got em.......etc.
dunno bout how diff each will be..haven't smoked those 2......guess all strains can have diff hits and highs not the same. then there's the sativa/indica thing...
did ur mate buy the seeds or.......?
and why the fuck am i aasking so many questions questions questions. :lol:...sorry..wasted.
start a journal dude!!!!!!!!! then we can all keep track as u go along :smile:


Well-Known Member
24/7 plants dont need dark during veg your training them to grow fast dixie y you give advise when the first line of your grow journel says i f u and killed em. ithink this person ask for a veteran grower not a first timer that screwed his up ufr..........


Well-Known Member
When growing more than one strain an even same strain from seed you need to really pay attention . Some may require more or less nutrients. Some plants use nutrients like a crackhead smokes on welfare check day while others get burned with just a tad.

Make sure you label each strain and plant like A1, A2, B1, B2, etc. This will help keep you organized with what needs what and will also help if you clone. If you have more than 6 it may be wise to keep a cryptic journal.

Start off doing things right and it will be so much fun. Go at it half-assed and disorganized it will add up to a lot of heartache and wasted time.

Good luck! You are going to love it.


Well-Known Member
i veg at 24/0 cause its faster, an extra week or 2 is a long time when waiting for your buds..

also here some tips on getting a female:

give the first tap root 5" down space
cooler veg temps
more N
more co2 - 2oz sugar x yeast x 2 L warm water.

good luck :peace:

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
I am a college student and trying to do this as cheap as possible, although I do have a good job and can splurge if I absolutely have to. I am using 3 florescent lights. I bought them at walmart. They are about 2 feet long each, and they are standing on end (vertical) around the plant. They are 75 wats each. On the package they said they were growing lights, but im not sure they are any different than normal florescents.

Thank you all for they help so far. I am really enjoying my new project.


Well-Known Member
You need to grow more then one at a time. Males, screwups, basic attrition, these will keep you from getting buds.

Also think about lights, if your serious your gonna need to add t5 or at least a few CFLs to suppliment your light.

I vote 24/7 vegging light


Well-Known Member
How much space do you have? You may want to take those back if you can and get a CFL setup going ( or a 250w HPS if you have the money and space ).

Razorback Romulan

Active Member
its about a 2' by 2' space. its plenty tall, but it may expanding soon. If a plant does turn out to be male is it a lost cause? can I still smoke it?


Well-Known Member
That sprout is stretching out too much. You need your lights closer. You may also want to hang them horizontally.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
please explain about hermies
hermies are like a male/female combined. all i know is that theres seeds, and buds. i dont know the science behind it at all. but i think that when you have a female and it stresses too much on heat or whatever it turns to a hermie. or if you have a female and a male is close to the female that the male spreads the pollen to the female creating it a hermie. cant smoke the seeds but you can smoke the buds.

not sure about it though, maybe someone will tell you differently.


Well-Known Member
hermies are like a male/female combined. all i know is that theres seeds, and buds. i dont know the science behind it at all. but i think that when you have a female and it stresses too much on heat or whatever it turns to a hermie. or if you have a female and a male is close to the female that the male spreads the pollen to the female creating it a hermie. cant smoke the seeds but you can smoke the buds.

not sure about it though, maybe someone will tell you differently.
A hermaphrodite is a plant that can pollinate itself as it has male and female flowers. Stress is the main cause. Skate is slightly misguided when saying that a male being alongide causes hermies: The male justs pollinates the female, thats all.