

Active Member
I'm looking to get away from the extracts as I have a capsule machine on the way. KT has an ounce of the "superior green vein bali" for $11. Good buy? How much is a nice dose compared to their 30x?:mrgreen:


New Member
depending if its a normal to a 30x extract dose varies from


Not well versed in kratom but i bought i think 10x extract and needed 13g to fully get off on it. Be prepared man can underestimate how nasty this shit is to get down


Active Member
I was good on a 1-2grams of the 30x if i recall correctly. 1 gram of the 50x had me out. So based on that how many g's ya think of the bali?


Active Member
How often to you take kratom?

If you eat it on a full stomach, you will not notice the effects as much. I like to eat kratom no less than 3 hours after my last meal

I ate 13grams of micro indo, which is a little better than green bali, and that was a little too much for me. I almost threw up a few times, and got dizzy. My roommate has eaten the same amount with no ill effects. He also pops oxy's once in a while, so his tolerance is clearly higher than mine.


Active Member
Not that often. Only tried it 5-6 times.. I plan on doing it a lot more though(on probation). So basically out of that ounce I'd probably only get 3 good rounds out of it right?


Active Member
Start with 6 grams, and work your way up. I imagine that throwing up powder would be the most unpleasant thing possible. It would be all dry, and make you cough. It would suck!


I got the super indo from KratomKing and it was surprisingly good stuff. Felt like I popped a couple percs. 7 g seemed to be my sweet spot; anymore and i started getting nauseous or puking. Me and a couple buddies tried drinking half water half 18g kratom glasses each. no one finished and we ended up fighting our way outside for a good purge. Id say parachute or boil in a tea and make sure to stir all those little dust powder balls cause they'll explode in the throat.


Active Member
A member here, ANC, recommends getting leaf that is crushed to about 1/8th of an inch, and mixing it with water to drink. I don't know if he bought the kratom already crushed to his preferred consistency, or if he crushed it himself.

I may have read that you can add honey for taste, and a bit of oil as an emulsifier. I could be thinking of something else though... perhaps some sort of salad dressing...


Well-Known Member
About 2 spoon fulls of powdered Bali kratom usually does the job...
but can't say I like doing kratom much, gives me an anxious feeling which I can seem to shake it also makes me feel drunk... and over stimulated.

If it wasn't for all the side effects It would be an amazing opiate substitute.


Well-Known Member
Karma, I would change the dose a little, at one ond its a stimulant, at the other its a depressant, as long as you don't hit that half a gram too much point and get the seasick thing.
I stil think the side effects is less than most true opiods, and is a blessing for those with acheing bodies in the cold of winter.

It realy tastes like sucking a teabag, you can actualy make tea out of it too, but it uses a bit more material, I make it like this for my wife occasionaly, I add a bag of chai tea (fucking can't stand that stuff), but she says it masks the taste well.


Active Member
Are the pain killing effects noticeable at low doses? (2 or so grams)

I have a few friends with bad knees. I always get high on kratom. I never thought about offering them some for pain killing effects.


Well-Known Member
I'd go for at least 3 or 4 grams, side effects should be minimal at those doses.


Active Member
KT's superior red vein requires around 10g's to feel subtle effects. Didn't expect to have to down so much to get to a good spot, no worries though.
On another note two of my friends ordered a few grams of their 30x and both projectile vomited multiple times after an hour into maybe a gram and a half. Never happened to me/them before, not pretty..


Active Member
It is essential that you eat kratom on an empty stomach if you want to get the most effects out of it. I find that when I eat it with food, i barely get any effects, but i notice them for hours longer than i normally would.

How long before the kratom was your last meal?


Active Member
I ate relatively soon before consuming.. That right there is the problem it seems. Tomorrow I'll go at it on empty. Thanks for the info man


Active Member
wait a few days before your next dose. Much like other opiates, your tolerance will be higher because you took them so recently. More than once a week and your tolerance will shoot up pretty quickly.


Active Member
I took 30mg of oxy tonight, and I get a similar high from 12-13g kratom. However, this is probably due to the fact that kratom has raised my tolerance for opiates ;)

a friend of a friend is a prescribed opiate user. He sold a bunch, and he's gonna have to go over a week without any pills. He was saying he was gonna try and get through the sickness, and just sell the rest when he refills his prescription. I don't know the guy other than a few conversations, but I doubt that's gonna happen. I did suggest he try kratom to help ease the withdrawl. Seeing this kid is scary. He looks like a heroin junky.

I just watch Trainspotting last night. Shit is crazy!!!!!


Well-Known Member
kratom blocks opiod receptors, so it prevents other opiods from working effectively.