Kush problem looking yellow,ish please help/Advise ?


Active Member
Hi to everyone a newbie to the forum. So lets see who can help, I,ve Sown 5 skunk #1 and 5 pure kush 3 weeks ago. The 5 #1 are looking 100%, 2 of the kush look lighter in colour but ok but, the other 3 kush are very pale green but don,t bad no symptoms other than the colour. the only thing i could come up with is maybe kush is very light coloured. thanks cr

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
WAY MORE INFO!!!!. Hard to tell what is wrong with no photos, and almost no information. Hydro/soil? Temps, Nuts, Humidity. how often watered. we need it all. If not it is just a guess. And my best Guess is always Space Aliens coming down and pissing on your pants and giving them Space Herpies. And Penicillin will not help this either.


Well-Known Member
Some Kush varieties tend to have lighter green, almost pale leaves as a characteristic. I wouldn't be worried if the whole leaf is a healthy hue of that pale green, perhaps even with a yellow light. However if the color is splotchy or uneven, that could be an issue. Bur as mr ganglybits said, it is very hard to extrapolate anything from this with no photos.


Well-Known Member
I remember a post where the grower was talking about the little leaves that suppose to die and fall off.:lol:
So post a pic!


Active Member
Sorry i,m unable to upload any photos ? perhaps someone could put me right on posting photos. I.ll putt down as much info as i can, Like i said there,s 10 seeds all are in 100 % perlite which i,ve always used, i,m feeding them ionic cf 1.0 to 1.2 ph 5.9/6.0, the 5 skunk all look 100%, nice dark green. The kush does not look i,ll, there,s lots of new growth there evenly coloured no spot,s,scabs,burnt tip,s other than the yellow,ish they look healthy


Well-Known Member
Hey I was expecting problems. Your plants look fine. Some variation but none that indicate a problem, IMO.
I've no exp growing strictly in perlite. So my hands are a bit tied. Looks good to me though.


Well-Known Member
yeah i see em. idk. if you are treating them all the same then the only explanation is it's the plant's fault