Kyle rittenhouse fucks dogs

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17 years old. What the fuck is a 17 year old kid out on the streets with a long gun (AR-15) pretty sure. Where the fuck are the parents? How the fuck did this kid get his hands on the weapon in the first place? WTF is wrong with our world??? 17 year old kids don't need to be given access to guns of this nature. Where the fuck are the parents? Fry their asses right beside his juvenile ass. Sad but his age might save him real prison time.
17 years old. What the fuck is a 17 year old kid out on the streets with a long gun (AR-15) pretty sure. Where the fuck are the parents? How the fuck did this kid get his hands on the weapon in the first place? WTF is wrong with our world??? 17 year old kids don't need to be given access to guns of this nature. Where the fuck are the parents? Fry their asses right beside his juvenile ass. Sad but his age might save him real prison time.

What makes you say that? this country gives life sentences without parole to juveniles, especially black kids.
I love this sites Politics forum. Other Forums have me TRIGGERED lol saying they all deserved it and Kyle is a hero fucking Gross. I don't understand what goes through some peoples heads. I can't wait for Trump to be gone and his base will be looked at the same way Confederates are. Pieces of shit. In 30 years though most of the people that agreed and voted for him will deny it. They always do.
Same shit happened in Portland this weekend. Cops just gave an Olé to the white gun toters and it was a near disaster several times that night. Now, blood is spilled in Kenosha.

Fascists are going to start a street war. The cops will side with them. If ever there was a time to do something, now is it. Send messages to your representatives in Washington and your Statehouse. Those who can, show up and witness.
Same shit happened in Portland this weekend. Cops just gave an Olé to the white gun toters and it was a near disaster several times that night. Now, blood is spilled in Kenosha.

Fascists are going to start a street war. The cops will side with them. If ever there was a time to do something, now is it. Send messages to your representatives in Washington and your Statehouse. Those who can, show up and witness.
Yeah Ted Wheeler is a fucking joke. He's in so far over his head.. Starting to see him as a democratic stump with the way he has been doing things.
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