La Diva and Sugar Mango Ryder in micro grow (CFL).Chopping them down next week.


Well-Known Member
Sugar Mango Ryder on the left. La Diva on the right. Both smell beautifully although SMR a lot stronger. I will give my final judgment after proper cure. Those girls are going down next week. Grown in organic soil in micro pots to control height (also LSTd). Lightly fed under 3 x 45W CFLs.
Let me know what you think. Peace....


Well-Known Member
So far i have tried from my laptop and tablet using rollitup app for android. It did not give me any error messages but it seems i can't upload.
Edit: got there in the end.


Active Member
dang man that looks awesome.. it amazes me the size of nugs come off these little plants...


Active Member
Those are some fat nugs for such small plants. I have a OG kush thats planted in a 2l with hempy and the buds are still lookin a bit small, flipped to 12/12 like 3 weeks ago


Active Member
just keep going man thats og.. not a huge yeilder anyway... they will fill out in their final 2 weeks... expect the whole 12 weeks of flowering... my og and bubba never finish b4 ten weeks.. at week 12 i never once regreted the wait.. one time i chopped too early and the other plant almost identical in size weight a full oz more dry and it was alot more dense