Laced weed?


Active Member
hey guys i think my weed could had some pcp i it im not sure though maby u can help me out,
Happy new year by the wayy
allright so its like 7:00 and me and my friend are getting some weed, well our dealer didnt know that we were coming so we got some of the shit he personaly was smoking that night for new years ,as my dealer left thr bathroom he told one of my friends "thats some real different shit" talking about the weed i just baught,well anyway the reason i am suspicious is because i got REALLY high and one of my hits make a crackling wile it was burnin and wen i inhaled, so im thinking that the hot glow part got to the pcp and it crackled, also i was kinda jittery and my muscles were kinda contracting, like flexing without me telling them too, so im pretty sure it was embalming fluid, but i dno so basically thats what happened i dno if i was feeling the cold rush because of pcp or because we were outside and i was freezin anyway:fire::wall::weed::shock::o


Active Member
dealers smoke better weed than they sell, that's what he probably meant. And my bowls crackle sometimes too, it's burning and that's the sound burning makes. So don't trip chocolate chip it was probably legit