Lack of flavour and scent


Active Member
i am almost ready to cut the last of my girls. They smell great while they are growing but when i havest i tend to lose some of that stink we all love so much. I let them hang for a couple day then when they are fairly dry i begin curing them in a large jar which i let the moisture out a couple times per day. They are still potent nugs but, the smell is and taste are fairly week. The strains are skunk and blueberry.

Is there anything i can do during the curing process or before harvest to add/or save the scent and flavour of my nugs.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
dry in a cool dark place (60 dgrees) for 14 days. then put them in jars for 2 months then you'll have GANJA that bob marley would be proud of. air degrades weed as well with everything else.


Well-Known Member
i am almost ready to cut the last of my girls. They smell great while they are growing but when i havest i tend to lose some of that stink we all love so much. I let them hang for a couple day then when they are fairly dry i begin curing them in a large jar which i let the moisture out a couple times per day. They are still potent nugs but, the smell is and taste are fairly week. The strains are skunk and blueberry.

Is there anything i can do during the curing process or before harvest to add/or save the scent and flavour of my nugs.
next crop...try using organic nutes....


Well-Known Member
i foud this in my first harvests, but time is the key. dont rush and take widowmans advice. the growing is the easy part some say. its the drying and curing that make good weed, not just growing.
ive done 5 harvests and every time im getting better.
i hear you can put strings along a box"inside", then hang the buds, and put a lid on the box, keep at 60 in the dark in the covered boxes, and in a few months it will be ready.
a long wait, but worth it. i saw them do it on a greenhouse promo, vid. and them guys know there stuff. have you ever seen any of them greenhouse vids, there quite informative. cheak them out on greenhouse


Well-Known Member
im not sure as to why its better....but they say organic nutes work to make the product tastier, and smoother!!

prolly taste better because its all natural, no chemicals nor is it synthetic (man made)


Well-Known Member
no prob...

im thinking about fucking with Mother Earth...dont know if i should use it as a supplement or as a stand alone nute!

i heard Mother Earth is that shit!!!

do you know about using slabs for mediums??