

Well-Known Member
Ladybugs/Ladybirds are the best and most effective way of getting rid of any pest that grow on cannabis plants.No matter how good a product says that it is on it's packageing it will never be has good has one that live and it's only funtion in life is to eat anything that will fit into it's mouth.In the summer months i collect has many has i can and just release them in the grow room even if there is no spidermites there will be dust mites these will keep lady birds happy just incase you do happen to get the dreaded spidermites.These little spotted friend of the gardener will live on the underside of the leaves causeing no problems to the plants at all.So if yo do have some around keep them around they will live happy in a grow room.


Active Member
don't ladybugs get hurt when they fly into the HID bulb or do you use a cooled hood or CFLs?


Well-Known Member
Oh shit man now I feel bad for killing so many. They're always all over my plants. Thanks to this thread I can end my long war with the Lady Bug kind!


Active Member
Oh shit man now I feel bad for killing so many. They're always all over my plants. Thanks to this thread I can end my long war with the Lady Bug kind!
Graximus, are you saying they are fine in a room under HID lights without a glass (cooled hood)?


Well-Known Member
ladybugs wont totally iradicate pests, but if you have spider mites like i do they keep the pest population way down, so down that you should never see any webbing, you can get 1500 for less than $40 shipped and keep them in the fridge for 2 months, if you do have bug problems release a handful weekly, most escape but some stay around and mate and lay eggs, work better than any sprays

i heartmj

Active Member
nice.. thanks everyone for the info! I found a couple of them a week or so ago.. but I just let them go.. but now I know.

much appreciated.