Large Orders=Red Flags?


Well-Known Member
The usual answer is yes. But even from a hydro shop?

I can't believe it, but there is a store specializing in hydroponics in my city. I haven't actually been there, I didn't even know it existed, but their website leads me to believe its rather big, and they have a ton of stuff. In fact, I could get everything I need from this one place, assuming my location has it all in stock.

Items I would be picking up all at once:

4 Pumps - EcoPlus 396
Many 2in Net Pots
Many 2in Neoprene Collars
Many EZ Clone Sprayers
Rapid Rooter mat
Roll of mylar
4 inline fans
Clonex solution
Repeat Cycle Timer
PPM meter
pH meter

When I get my paycheck in 2 weeks, I'll be going back for the following and whatever else I've realized I've forgotten:

Sun Shield™Reflector Heat Shield
400 HPS bulb
400w HPS ballast

I think this is highly suspicious, but these are the types of products they sell! Its not illegal to buy this stuff, right! I'll be paying with cash too. Should I worry?


Well-Known Member
with cash no. they would have to follow you home and plus im sure people go in there all the time getting somewhat near the same things. if your too worried u can always make 2 or more trips after a few days time to let them forget you or ave a friend get some of the other things.


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I'd stay far, far away from local hydro shops. The one in my city is under constant surveillance, and many local growers went down. It doesn't matter if you pay in cash or not. If a cop is sitting in the parking lot, and you are a young kid walking out of the store with a shitload of hydro equipment, it will be enough for him to take a snapshot of your license plates. Once he has your plates, he has your address. If you are growing at the same address as the car's registered address, this is a big no no. I've learned to stay away from local shops and just order via online....


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I'd stay far, far away from local hydro shops. The one in my city is under constant surveillance, and many local growers went down. It doesn't matter if you pay in cash or not. If a cop is sitting in the parking lot, and you are a young kid walking out of the store with a shitload of hydro equipment, it will be enough for him to take a snapshot of your license plates. Once he has your plates, he has your address. If you are growing at the same address as the car's registered address, this is a big no no. I've learned to stay away from local shops and just order via online....
that's why you use the out of state plates:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hydroponic store you gots to ark around the corner and obviously notice if your being followed.


Well-Known Member
You have been watching too many movies. Leo does not have the resorces to 'watch' hydro shops. I recommend doing business with your local hydro shop. Just don't take your bong in with you. VV


Well-Known Member
its not always cop's u have to think about, but also rippers.

it's more likely a ripper will follow u home, then come 6 or so weeks later to see what he/she can find, god dam rippers


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I'd stay far, far away from local hydro shops. The one in my city is under constant surveillance, and many local growers went down. It doesn't matter if you pay in cash or not. If a cop is sitting in the parking lot, and you are a young kid walking out of the store with a shitload of hydro equipment, it will be enough for him to take a snapshot of your license plates. Once he has your plates, he has your address. If you are growing at the same address as the car's registered address, this is a big no no. I've learned to stay away from local shops and just order via online....
Sounds like you got some shady hydro shops where you live. The hydro shops around these parts are way mellow. I don't go there just for herb supplies though. I'm always there getting plants and flowers.

Where do you live where the cops have nothing better to do than to sit outside of a garden and plant store? I just want to know so I don't go there.


Well-Known Member
Noman, hes not talking about nurserys, theres stores that sell ONLY hydro gear, nutes, soil, lights...strait up grow show stores, owned by growers. Usually the owners are great and really helpful.

Theres nothing wrong with hydro shops, and its WAY safer than ordering online for large orders....Think about it, to even make an online order you need a credit card, everything is shipped, theres a huge paper trail, and possibly customs if you order from US to canada.

But in any case, with large orders Dont use your car, and Dont drive strait home to your grow house with the stuff. Dont order anything to your grow house either. Take your stuff to a friends place or a storage unit, store it for a week, then one random night haul it to the grow house. Theres no way anyone will be able to follow you twice, and you would totally notice someone lurking around after a week of it being at buddys house.

It doesnt matter if they follow you to a house without a grow op. If you dont use a vehicle thats owned by someone involved with the grow your fine.

The only way you can get busted buying gear is if you just dont give a fuck and use credit cards in your name, or drive strait to your grow house with all your new gear.

Common sense keeps you out of jail.



Well-Known Member
If you life in a location known for hydro smoke it could be a bacon and hydro shop. How long has the shop been in business?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The guys at my local hydro shop are wonderful. They have given me some spot on recommendations regarding nutes and such. Always a smile and friendly hello when I walk in. You can't get that from an online purchase. They have even special ordered things for me that they do not usually stock. I enjoy going there and seeing all the equipment that the big boys use.


Well-Known Member
I was in my hydro shop once "the growing source" looking at high times magazine, reading this article about a grower, then I looked up and he was standing behind the counter, ahahha, he owns the store. Couple of great guys, always have a plate of pot brownies...definitely NOT the cops.



Well-Known Member
Paranoia at its best. Just dont buy all that stuff in one trip. If its a local place then start hanging around there and pick their brains. You seem to be waiting on checks to come in so there is no big hurry right? A little bit at a time over a few weeks and your good. :hump: