Late flower hermie


Well-Known Member
Today i was watering my plant and i saw a male flower... just 1 on a lower side branch... How is this possible? i m 4 weeks in flowering.. i guess i should be on watch... Is there any way this is going to be just that one? Since i m growing bagseed it could be genetics too...


Well-Known Member
150 ppl at newbie central but noone could tell me if it's possible to have a single male flower from a female plant?..

grow space

Well-Known Member
if it is-then fuckk man-just pick those little sacks(MAN BALLS lol)off, but do it carefully that they wont burst(MAN SEMEN lol),and you should be fine and still get some decent bud.


Well-Known Member
in nature if there is a group of female plants close to eachother it is not uncommon for 1 or more of them to go hermie and produce a few seeds to ensure survival... it is less common indoors for it to happen.. but can happen.. i had the same issue during my last grow... 5 weeks into flowering and i see banana sacs on a couple of my girls.. its nothing to stress about.. just remove them... it can also be a strain thing.. some strains are notorious for "going hermie" late into flowering... it wont affect your buds.. except for the few seeds you may get... if you can remove the banana sac with some tweezers or something do it... just turn off your fans incase some pollen is emitted.. the pollen will carry in the air.. if the fans are off it will keep it isolated... but you dont need to worry.. what is happening to you is not an uncommon occurance...


Well-Known Member
Without pictures it is hard to advise you. I have seen plenty of folks picking off swollen calyx because they think it is a Hermie.

There have been folks on here that have killed plants thinking they were seeing balls, but again swollen calyx.

Posting pictures allows people to give you informed answers.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answer simpsonsampson420 + rep.

Unfortunately i threw away the polen sac so i have no pics.. But i hope it was just a swollen calyx... can u show me what's that like? what i found was looking like a fully opened male flower..