Late flower LST?


Active Member
So I currently have a single plant flowering in my closet, and four plants vegging in a cabinet. The plants are quickly outgrowing the cabinet, but my flowering plant isn't quite at peak ripeness. I was hoping to move my vegging plants into the closet where theres more room, but I'm not quite sure what to do with the flowering plant. I could harvest it now, but I think waiting another week or two will really do a lot for it. The hairs have just started to change color, and there are few amber trichromes, almost all milky.

Unfortunately the flowering plant is about 3 inches too tall for my cabinet. So I was thinking of tying it down at a slight bend, just to make it a couple inches shorter. I could also snip off the top cola now and let the rest keep flowering, but I'd rather let that bud ripen as much as possible.

My vegging plants are doing ok, but due to the differences in plant sizes in such a small area, I end up with a lot of unlit leaves, and some plants are definitely not getting as much light - I'm using CFLs in that cabinet. I would just move some of them to flower, but I wanted to sex them and transplant them into bigger pots before I flowered them.

What do you guys recommend? Will bending a plants thats only a couple weeks from harvest have any negative effects, as long as I'm careful not to damage the stem?

dr. greenthumbz

Well-Known Member
Yeah its all good bro. If anything ur doing a good thing as ur allowing better light cover to the center most likely increasing ur yield


Active Member
Thanks Little Tommy!

Ok another question. If I do switch the plants, the flowering one will be going from a 250w HPS to 6x23w CFL. Will that have any affect on the plant?


Active Member
Hi i had the same problem but i was only half way into the flowering stage here is a couple of pics that show i bent the plant to one side as it was far to big for the grow room. Also you will notice the buds started to grow towards the light which i feel may have hampered the growth of the main cola but the buds below really put on weight.

I am only on my second grow so i hope you dont mind me chipping in mith comments ;-)


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
You will be giving the plant less lumens so the penetration will not be as good. That close to finishing should not be that big of a deal.