Late Grow


Is it worth starting an outdoor grow during June? I understand that may be late (especially in my climate where the last frost of the season is February and fall comes very late) but due to circumstances well beyond my control I wont be able to start one until then. This will be my first grow and i'm just wondering if, due to Fall arriving so late where I am, it would be worth attempting to have a successful grow op started in June. Thanks for your help RIU



Well-Known Member
I've read threads on here of ppl starting indoors mid May and moving outside early Jun and having pretty good success. Personally, I started 3 weeks ago and plan on moving outside soon, but fall comes early here. I also started a second batch a few days ago and plan on letting them go about 3 weeks indoors and move them out. But if you live in a climate where fall comes late I see no reason why you can't start in June. If you can have them a few weeks old indoors then move them outdoors, say mid June, I think you will be in pretty good shape.

This is just an educated guess, I'm no professional grower, so I'd suggest getting a second opinion. Just saying if it was me I'd go for it. Even if it is just for the experience on germinating and caring for seedlings. I don't think I go blow $200 on top shelf seeds though.