Late grow


Well-Known Member
i just got my hands on 10 seeds witch are in their second day of germinating. My goal (due to space and property restrictions) is to plants these as soon as they pop and have them veg for a couple weeks before they natuarly go into flowering. i know that i will not get huge yeilds but i am curious as to how much and how big they will get in such a short amount of time. if anyone is interested ill try to keep them posted


Active Member
yee same here got some bagseed germinated yesterday all set for the ground today. Heard socal season can go to november??????? anyone confirm this


Well-Known Member
i live midwest and our season goes til beginning of nov. so im sure cali is good till the end of nov. ..............and anyway im kind of wondering the same thing- will a plant started now have enough time to grow to make it worth putting them outside....take into account the fact that outdoors it seems that plants start to bud at up to 13 hours of liht in my exp. which means only like 3-4 weeks of veg....worth it or keep seeds for later????


Well-Known Member
well its july 10th and i just put them in soil when i woke up and they are now sitting in my window soakin up the sun and lovin it. i live in CNY and our season ends anywhere from mid sept to late oct


Well-Known Member
I'm north..but that being said you could have a 4-7ft plant by harvest.. mine average at 5-6.5ft.. this year I was a month \and a half late, and my biggest is +3ft now


Well-Known Member
now after sayig that you just got me really exited about them
here i am thinking they are gonna be a foot tall at the most