late outdoor grow


Active Member
ok well i have one seedling that just sprouted outdoor but its to late for outdoor for my plant to finish flowering so i dont know what im going to do because i might not be able to bring her indoors becouse im about to be back on probation. any tips welcome. will put up a pic tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
throw that seedling away and start again next year, on time tho. not worth getting a violation or possibly a new charge for some baby seedling. i dont know where u live but even in cali probation officers will fuck wit u if ur not legal.


Active Member
thats what i might do even tho i really dont want to and it just some how sprouted magicaly. im guessing its a seed left in the soil from last time.


Active Member
ok well heres my plan. im going to keep my baby outdoors and if somehow i dont get put back on probation ill move her inside and if i do then ill put her in the woods just for the hell of it.


Active Member
yup. i have transplanted into a shot glass and have my seedling in my window seal because im worryd about the frost. 60 degrees today. im working on a very stealthy grow space so i can still grow.